Analyse electricity outages in delhi using. Welfare Analyses using bunching estimators based on kinks and notches in the electricity regulation in Delhi, India. Link to pollution data and nightlight data.
- simulations using generated data (simulations.ipynb)
- estimation using real data (outage_bunching.ipynb)
- model estimation to recover parameters of cost function (outage_model_estimation.ipynb)
- welfare analysis (outage_welfare.ipynb)
- descriptive analysis of outage date, especially the reasons for it (outage_descriptives.ipynb)
- common function and classes (
- retrieving nightlight data from VIIRS add a daily level (Nightly DNB Mosaic and Cloud, see:
- summarise in a dataframe at grid level
- plot for a single day
explore pollution data; make one df based on stations and one df with grid cells as cross-section
input:, Indialocationlist.csv
output: stations_w_pol_loc.csv , stations_delhi.csv , grid_w_stat.csv
visualize using maps
input: sh819zz8121.shp, stations_w_pol_loc.csv,stations_delhi.csv, grid_w_stat.csv
- analysis with other dataset for comparison
- check the correlations of different datasets