This library is meant to be a stream device for calibration of digitizers channels.
If you use conda, you can create an environment with the frontend_digitizers_calibration library by running:
conda create -c paulscherrerinstitute --name <env_name> frontend_digitizers_calibration
After that you can just source you newly created environment and start using the library.
You can build the library by running the setup script in the root folder of the project:
python install
or by using the conda also from the root folder of the project:
conda build conda-recipe
conda install --use-local frontend_digitizers_calibration
The library relies on the following packages:
- python
- bsread
- pyepics
In case you are using conda to install the packages, you might need to add the paulscherrerinstitute channel to your conda config:
conda config --add channels paulscherrerinstitute
Warning: When you build the docker image with, your built will be pushed to the PSI repo as the latest frontend_digitizers_calibration version. Please use the script only if you are sure that this is what you want.
To build the docker image, run the build from the docker/ folder:
Before building the docker image, make sure the latest version of the library is available in Anaconda.
Please note: There is no need to build the image if you just want to run the docker container. Please see the Run Docker Container chapter.
To execute the application inside a docker container, you must first start it (from the project root folder):
docker run --net=host -it -v /YOUR_CONFIG_DIR:/configuration /bin/bash
WARNING: Docker needs (at least on OSX) a full path for the -v option.
Once inside the container, start the application by running (append the parameters you need.)
Please note: You need the calibration configuration (Calibration configuration chapter) in order to be able run this program.
The production configurations are not part of this repository but are available on:
You can download it using git:
git clone
And later, when you start the docker container, map the configuration using the -v parameter of the docker executable.
Before deploying in production, make sure the latest version was tagged in git (this triggers the Travis build) and that the Travis build completed successfully (the new frontend_digitizers_calibration package in available in anaconda). After this 2 steps, you need to build the new version of the docker image (the docker image checks out the latest version of frontend_digitizers_calibration from Anaconda). The docker image version and the frontend_digitizers_calibration version should always match - If they don't, something went wrong.
Login to the target system, where frontend_digitizers_calibration will be running. Checkout the production configuration into the /git/ folder of on target system filesystem.
cd /
mkdir git
cd git
git clone
On the target system, copy all docker/*.service files into /etc/systemd/system.
Then you need to reload the systemctl daemon:
systemctl daemon-reload
Using systemctl you then run all the services:
systemctl start [name_of_the_service_file_1].service
systemctl start [name_of_the_service_file_2].service
To inspect the logs for each server, use journalctl:
journalctl -u [name_of_the_service_file_1].service -f
Note: The '-f' flag will make you follow the log file.