- VHDL source: psi_common_arb_round_robin
- Testbench source: psi_common_arb_round_robin_tb.vhd
This entity implements a round-robin arbiter. If multiple bits are asserted in the request vector, the left-most bit is forwarded to the grant vector first. Next, the second left-most bit that is set is forwarded etc. Whenever at least one bit in the Grant vector is asserted, the Grant_Vld handshaking signal is asserted to signal that a request was granted. The consumer of the Grant vector signalizes that the granted access was executed by pulling Grant_Rdy high.
Note that the round-robin arbiter is implemented without an output register. Therefore combinatorial paths between input and output exist and it is recommended to add a register-stage to the output as early as possible.
Especially interesting is the part in orange. At this point the arbiter does not grant access to bit 3 because it already granted this request in the clock cycle before. However, it continues to grant access to the highest-priority (i.e. left-most) bit of the request vector that is still left of the bit set in the last Grant output. If the request vector asserts a higher priority this change is directly forwarded to the output. This is shown in the orange section of the waveform.
Name | type | Description |
size_g | natural | Size of the arbiter (number of input/output bits) |
rst_pol_g | std_logic | reset polarity |
Name | In/Out | Length | Description |
clk_i | i | 1 | Clock |
rst_i | i | 1 | reset |
request_i | i | size_g | Request input signals, The highest(left-most) bit has highest priority |
grant_o | o | size_g | Grant output signal |
grant_rdy_o | i | 1 | AXI-S handshaking signal, Asserted whenever Grant != 0 |
grant_vld_o | o | 1 | AXI-S handshaking signal The state of the arbiter is updated upon Grant_Rdy = '1' |