Follow-up of Robert Nystrom, "Crafting Interpreters", part II, using typescript (and yarn berry for package manager)
yarn init
# somehow yarn set version berry didn't work
yarn set version canary
yarn add typescript @types/node
yarn add -D ts-node
# to use vscode
yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode
# initialize tsconfig.json
yarn tsc --init
I don't feel it necessary, but I added below line into .yarnrc.yml
nodeLinker: pnp
in tsconfig.json
"lib": ["es6", "dom"]
"rootDir": "src"
"outDir": "dst"
After installing dependencies(via yarn
), run
yarn direct <filename(optional)>
The Lox interpreter will read the file and execute the code within it. If no filename is provided, the interpreter will enter into prompt mode and execute your input line by line. Ctrl+D to exit.