Requesto it's a lightweight network layer for iOS application that can execute async and sync URLRequests.
Install via CocoaPods:
pod 'Requesto'
First of all you need to make import:
import Requesto
For common REST requests please use Request().
let request = Request(owner: ObjectIdentifier.init(self),
url: "...your url...",
requestType: .get,
onSuccess: { response in
//...response here
}, onFail: { error in
//...error here
For synchronous execution use:
request.executeSync(parseAs: ...your type for parsing...)
For asynchronous execution use:
request.executeAsync(parseAs: ...your type for parsing...)
For download operation if you need to download some file:
DownloadRequest.init(owner: ObjectIdentifier(self), url: "", requestType: .get) { progress in
// progress
} onDownloadSuccess: { response in
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: (response?.location!)!)
} onFail: { error in
// error
We're still working on this network layer, new updates will be available soon. If you have any propositions fell free to contact me: [email protected]