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Add barrier.R
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seananderson committed Oct 17, 2023
1 parent 417643e commit bf20c48
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 0 deletions.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions R/barrier.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
#' Transform a mesh object into a mesh with correlation barriers
#' @param spde_obj Output from [make_mesh()].
#' @param barrier_sf An sf object with polygons defining the barriers. For
#' example, a coastline dataset for ocean data. **Note that this object must
#' have the same projection as the data used to generate the x and y columns
#' in `spde_obj`.**
#' @param range_fraction The fraction of the spatial range that barrier
#' triangles have.
#' @param proj_scaling If `spde_obj` was created with scaling of the coordinates
#' after the projection (e.g., dividing UTMs by 1000 so the spatial range is
#' on a reasonable scale) the x and y values in `spde_obj` are multiplied by
#' this scaling factor before applying the projection from `barrier_sf`.
#' @param plot Logical.
#' @return A list similar to [make_mesh()] but with `spde_barrier` and a
#' couple other helper list elements added.
#' If `plot = TRUE`, then a basic plot will be created as a side effect. Each
#' grey dot represents the center of a "normal" mesh triangle. Each red cross
#' represents the center of a "barrier" mesh triangle.
#' @export
#' @references
#' Bakka, H., Vanhatalo, J., Illian, J., Simpson, D., and Rue, H. 2019.
#' Non-stationary Gaussian models with physical barriers.
#' <>
#' <>
#' <>
#' @examples
#' if (require("sf", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' require("dplyr", quietly = TRUE) &&
#' require("rnaturalearth", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' # For applied situations on finer scales, you may with to use scale = "large".
#' # For that, first: remotes::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires")
#' map_data <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(
#' scale = "medium",
#' returnclass = "sf", country = "canada")
#' # Crop the polygon for plotting and efficiency:
#' sf::st_bbox(map_data)
#' bc_coast <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(
#' sf::st_crop(map_data,
#' c(xmin = -134, ymin = 46, xmax = -120, ymax = 57))))
#' crs_utm9 <- 3156 # Pick a projection, here UTM9
#' sf::st_crs(bc_coast) <- 4326 # 'WGS84'
#' bc_coast <- sf::st_transform(bc_coast, crs_utm9)
#' # Project our survey data coordinates:
#' survey <- pcod %>% dplyr::select(lon, lat, density) %>%
#' sf::st_as_sf(crs = 4326, coords = c("lon", "lat")) %>%
#' sf::st_transform(crs_utm9)
#' # Plot our coast and survey data:
#' ggplot(bc_coast) +
#' geom_sf() +
#' geom_sf(data = survey, size = 0.5)
#' # Note that a barrier mesh won't do much here for this
#' # example data set, but we nonetheless use it as an example.
#' # Prepare for making the mesh
#' # First, we will extract the coordinates:
#' surv_utm_coords <- sf::st_coordinates(survey)
#' # Then we will scale coordinates to km so the range parameter
#' # is on a reasonable scale for estimation:
#' pcod$X1000 <- surv_utm_coords[,1] / 1000
#' pcod$Y1000 <- surv_utm_coords[,2] / 1000
# # Construct our mesh:
#' mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, xy_cols = c("X1000", "Y1000"),
#' n_knots = 200, type = "kmeans")
#' plot(mesh)
#' # Add on the barrier mesh component:
#' bspde <- add_barrier_mesh(
#' mesh, bc_coast, range_fraction = 0.1,
#' proj_scaling = 1000, plot = TRUE
#' )
#' # In the above, the grey dots are the centre of triangles that are in the
#' # ocean. The red crosses are centres of triangles that are over land. The
#' # spatial range will be assumed to be 0.1 (`range_fraction`) over land
#' # compared to over water.
#' # We can make a more advanced plot if we want:
#' mesh_df_water <- bspde$mesh_sf[bspde$normal_triangles, ]
#' mesh_df_land <- bspde$mesh_sf[bspde$barrier_triangles, ]
#' ggplot(bc_coast) +
#' geom_sf() +
#' geom_sf(data = mesh_df_water, size = 1, colour = "blue") +
#' geom_sf(data = mesh_df_land, size = 1, colour = "green")
#' # Now, when we fit our model with the new mesh, it will automatically
#' # include a barrier structure in the spatial correlation:
#' fit <- sdmTMB(density ~ s(depth, k = 3), data = pcod, mesh = bspde,
#' family = tweedie(link = "log"))
#' fit
#' }

add_barrier_mesh <- function(spde_obj, barrier_sf, range_fraction = 0.2,
proj_scaling = 1, plot = FALSE) {

if (!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
cli_abort("The sf package must be installed to use this function.")

is.numeric(range_fraction), range_fraction <= 1,
range_fraction > 0, length(range_fraction) == 1
assert_that(is.numeric(proj_scaling), length(proj_scaling) == 1)
assert_that(inherits(barrier_sf, "sf"))
assert_that(inherits(spde_obj, "sdmTMBmesh"))

mesh <- spde_obj$mesh
tl <- length(mesh$graph$tv[, 1]) # the number of triangles in the mesh
pos_tri <- matrix(0, tl, 2)
for (i in seq_len(tl)) {
temp <- mesh$loc[mesh$graph$tv[i, ], ]
pos_tri[i, ] <- colMeans(temp)[c(1, 2)]
mesh_sf <-
mesh_sf$X <- mesh_sf$V1 * proj_scaling
mesh_sf$Y <- mesh_sf$V2 * proj_scaling
mesh_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(mesh_sf, crs = sf::st_crs(barrier_sf), coords = c("X", "Y"))

intersected <- sf::st_intersects(mesh_sf, barrier_sf)
water.triangles <- which(lengths(intersected) == 0)
land.triangles <- which(lengths(intersected) > 0)

if (plot) {
plot(pos_tri[water.triangles, ],
col = "grey40", asp = 1,
xlab = spde_obj$xy_cols[1], ylab = spde_obj$xy_cols[2]
points(pos_tri[land.triangles, ], col = "red", pch = 4)
# barrier_spde <- INLA::inla.barrier.fem(mesh, barrier.triangles = land.triangles)
barrier_spde <- INLAspacetime::mesh2fem.barrier(mesh, barrier.triangles = land.triangles)
spde_obj$spde_barrier <- barrier_spde
spde_obj$barrier_scaling <- c(1, range_fraction)
spde_obj$mesh_sf <- mesh_sf
spde_obj$barrier_triangles <- land.triangles
spde_obj$normal_triangles <- water.triangles

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