Ground Control Simulator for Satellogic's cubesat platform. See
#Requirements Ruby (developed and tested with Ruby 1.9.3)
Download the cubesat code from Satellogic's repo.
Modify the telecommand key in src/lib/canopus/subsystem/nvram.c and build the software as described in Satellogic's README.
Modify it accordingly in cdh_server.rb.
Run the ground control console with:
ruby cdh_server.rb
Then run the cubebug program.
To send a command, write it in hexadecimal, with each byte separated by a space. For example:
0 21
Will reset the satellite (0x00 is the PLATFORM subsystem, and 0x21 is the soft reset command).
Another example:
2 36 1
Inhibits antenna deployment (0x02: CDH subsystem. 0x36: SS_CMD_CDH_ANTENNA_DEPLOY_INHIBIT
command. 0x01: Set enabled to false.)
See the list of commands for more things to do...
#Contributing I've just started with this. It took a while to understand the frame format. If you want to contribute, just fork, code and make a pull request. It would be nice to beautify the code and develop a more friendly interface (maybe make a small web app with Sinatra or Cuba?).