This repositary has a set of recursive descent parsers. I coded these to get some hands-on experience in recursive descent parsers.
The lexer is obtained from Eli Bendersky blog. Each parser has the "grammar" as a comment at the top.
This is a base class which offers token streaming and argument list. Intended to use OO concepts. Separtes core parser work i.e., defining the non-terminals (as functions) from generic parser work. The arithmetic parsers where coded before this so they don't use these. The CSV and other parsers use this.
File: Grammar:
The initial grammer is ubiquitous expression grammer seen in the dragon book and elsewhere. It has left associtivity problems which is fixed using EBNF.
File: Grammar:
Introduces EBNF format. Left associativity problems are fixed and power is introduced.
Parses csv files. The semantic action is to currently replace the comma by space.