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feat(posts): add post 008 - removable Vue directive composable
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pdanpdan committed Nov 24, 2023
1 parent 2d8fd2d commit e09c863
Showing 1 changed file with 249 additions and 0 deletions.
249 changes: 249 additions & 0 deletions pages/posts/
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@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
title: Wrapper Vue2/3 directives to allow dynamic add/remove
description: A composable that converts a Vue2/3 directive in a directive that can be dynamically adder/removed.
date: 2023-11-24
tags: [vue, directive, composable]
outline: deep

<script setup>
import PostHeader from 'components/PostHeader.vue';
import CodeFrame from 'components/CodeFrame.vue';

<PostHeader />

## Problem description

When using directives in render functions in Vue3 components the `beforeUnmount` and `unmounted` lifecycle hook are not called when the directive is no longer applied.

This can lead to some unwanted leftovers that were cleaned in `beforeUnmount` and `unmounted` lifecycle hook.

## Solution

The `useRemovableDirective` composable receives a directive definition (Vue2 or Vue3) and returns a list with two directives:

- the first one is a patched version of the original directive
- the second one is a cleanup directive that only calls the cleanup functions from the original directive

Then, in your render function, instead of not applying your directive in `withDirectives` when it is not needed you replace it with the `removed` verion.

::: code-group

```vue [Demo.vue]
<script land="ts">
import {
} from 'vue';
import useRemovableDirective from './useRemovableDirective.ts';
const logs = ref([]);
const [vColor, vColorRemoved] = useRemovableDirective({
// called before bound element's attributes
// or event listeners are applied
created(el /* , binding, vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'created', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
// called right before the element is inserted into the DOM.
beforeMount(el /* , binding, vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'beforeMount', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
// called when the bound element's parent component
// and all its children are mounted.
mounted(el, binding /* , vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'mounted', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
if (el.ctx === undefined) {
el.ctx = { color: };
} = binding.value;
// called before the parent component is updated
beforeUpdate(el /* , binding, vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'beforeUpdate', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
// called after the parent component and
// all of its children have updated
updated(el, binding /* , vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'updated', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
if (el.ctx === undefined) {
el.ctx = { color: };
} = binding.value;
// called before the parent component is unmounted
beforeUnmount(el /* , binding, vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'beforeUnmount', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
// called when the parent component is unmounted
unmounted(el /* , binding, vnode, prevVnode */) {
logs.value.push({ event: 'unmounted', el: el.className, ts: (new Date()).toISOString().slice(11, 23) });
if (el.ctx !== undefined) {
Object.assign(, el.ctx);
const testBlock = defineComponent({
props: {
text: String,
active: Boolean,
setup(props) {
const active = ref( === true);
return () => withDirectives(
h('div', { class: === true ? 'start-applied' : 'start-not-applied' }, [
h('label', [
h('input', { type: 'checkbox', checked: active.value, onInput(ev) { active.value =; } }),
`Apply directive (initially ${ === true ? '' : 'not ' }applied)`,
` / ${ props.text.length % 2 === 0 ? 'red' : 'green' } / ${ props.text }`,
active.value === true
? [[vColor, props.text.length % 2 === 0 ? 'red' : 'green']]
: [[vColorRemoved]],
const eventColor = (event) => {
if (['created', 'beforeMount', 'mounted'].includes(event)) {
return 'blue';
return ['beforeUpdate', 'updated'].includes(event)
? 'grey'
: 'orangered';
const logsBlock = defineComponent({
setup() {
return () => h(
logs.value.slice().reverse().map((row) => h(
{ style: { display: 'flex' } },
h('div', { style: { width: '20ch' } }, row.ts),
h('div', { style: { width: '20ch', color: row.el.indexOf('-not-') > -1 ? 'orangered' : 'green' } }, row.el),
h('div', { style: { color: eventColor(row.event) } }, row.event),
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const msg = ref('');
return () => h('div', { style: 'padding: 16px' }, [
h(testBlock, { text: msg.value, active: true }),
h(testBlock, { text: msg.value, active: false }),
h('input', { value: msg.value, onInput(ev) { msg.value =; } }),

```ts [useRemovableDirective.js]
function getSSRProps() { }

export default function useRemovableDirective(dirDef) {
const dirDefId = Symbol('id');
const dirDefAdded = typeof dirDef === 'function'
? { getSSRProps, mounted: dirDef, updated: dirDef }
: { getSSRProps, ...dirDef };
const dirDefRemoved = { getSSRProps };

const {
} = dirDefAdded;

dirDefAdded.created = typeof created === 'function'
? (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
el[dirDefId] = true;
created(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
: (el) => {
el[dirDefId] = true;

if (
typeof created === 'function'
|| typeof beforeMount === 'function'
|| typeof mounted === 'function'
) {
const calls = [];
if (typeof created === 'function') { calls.push(created); }
if (typeof beforeMount === 'function') { calls.push(beforeMount); }
if (typeof mounted === 'function') { calls.push(mounted); }

dirDefAdded.beforeUpdate = typeof beforeUpdate === 'function'
? (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
if (el[dirDefId] !== true) {
el[dirDefId] = true;
calls.forEach((call) => { call(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); });

beforeUpdate(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
: (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
if (el[dirDefId] !== true) {
el[dirDefId] = true;
calls.forEach((call) => { call(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode); });

if (typeof beforeUnmount === 'function') {
dirDefRemoved.beforeUpdate = (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
if (el[dirDefId] === true) {
beforeUnmount(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);

dirDefRemoved.updated = typeof unmounted === 'function'
? (el, binding, vnode, prevVnode) => {
if (el[dirDefId] === true) {
unmounted(el, binding, vnode, prevVnode);
el[dirDefId] = false;
: (el) => {
if (el[dirDefId] === true) {
el[dirDefId] = false;

return [dirDefAdded, dirDefRemoved];

## Demo


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