The Chain Agnostic Standards Alliance (CASA) is a collection of working groups dedicated blockchain protocol-agnostic standards. CASA also publishes Chain Agnostic Improvement Proposals which describe standards created by the different working groups.
CASA is a self-organized and autonomous alliance of crypto-blockchain developers and enthusiasts. Its aim is to create standards which support interoperability and facilitate communication between blockchain protocols, software and companies.
CASA organizes working groups where proposals are debated, drafted and submitted as CAIPs for the purpose implementation and community adoption.
All CASA meetings are open to the public, and non-members are welcome to attend respectfully/non-disruptively. In particular, the editorial
meetings are a good onboarding and overview of all the more specific workstreams and conversations happening in parallel.
Meetings can be seen on the
links thecasacalendar
(subscribable via Google) and thepubliccasacalendar
(display-only). See individual events for teleconferencing links and agenda links.
- Explicit agenda items, if any have been set by WG participants, can be found linked from events pages on the calendar.
- The implicit agenda, in addition to or absence of explicit agenda, is to review outstanding/mergeable PRs, active issues, draft PRs, and topics of general interest, in that order.
- Chairs or facilitators should always leave time for housekeeping, agenda requests for the following meeting, and open discussion.
Note: the purpose of the next meeting
tag is to allow codeowners to prioritize or stack-rank additions. Codeowners and the broader membership alike are requested to use them to prioritize them in their review process to allow swift review. Approval by any 2 codeowners is enough to merge at a future meeting. In cases where a timely merge is desired, codeowners may also choose to apply a 14-day merge
tag, which is a way of requesting more review for an approved PR (and to avoid a valid PR sitting unmerged across multiple meetings for lack of discussion).
For those who prefer realtime/social-style communications, we also run a Discord server, which is secondary and non-archival-- it can be found using this Discord invite link (note: this link has a spam/crawler deterrent that requires manual removal).
Working Group | Scope | Meeting Frequency | Chair |
Editorial |
New CAIPs and Namespaces | every 4 weeks | @obstropolos |
Addressing |
CAIP-2, -10, -19; URN/URI systems | Sporadic/By request | @bumblefudge |
Json RPC |
CAIP-25, -27 | every 2 weeks | @hmalik88 |
CAIP-74, -122, -168; varint & multidid, interop with UCAN and ZCAP-LD | every 2 weeks | @bumblefudge/TBD |
Browser Security |
CAIP-169, -171 | Sporadic/By request | @kdenhartog |
- Join CASA.
- Create a description that explains the goal of your working group and related CAIP(s).
- Submit a Pull Request to the CASA repository adding your working group.
- Propose your working group at the next CASA meeting. If approved, your PR will be merged, and your working group meeting schedule will be added to the CASA calendar.
- Recruit participants for your working group.
CASA participants are structured into three groups:
Role | Description |
Members | All participants who contribute in any form, including github review. Expected to participate in one or more topical working groups. |
Working Groups | Topical clusters of CAIPs, namespaces, and other repositories/workstreams. These change over time according to activity |
Editorial Working Group | A subset of membership including the authors of accepted CAIPs committed to ongoing review and maintenance of the CAIPs and namespaces |
Board | Governing/steering body of core members guiding the organization and making high-level strategic decisions about its execution of its mission |
Executive Director (Board Member) | Drive and oversee operations, budget, editorial processes, and events |
Treasurer (Board Member) | Oversight and reporting on any external grants or donations |
Technical Maven (Board Member) | Oversight and reporting on git repos and any published packages |
- Pedro Gomes @pedrouid (WalletConnect Founder) -
- Ligi @ligi (Independent) -
- Joel Thorstenssen @oed (Ceramic Founder) -
- Gregory Rocco @obstropolos (Spruce Founder) -
- Olaf Tomalka @ritave (MetaMask Snaps Lead) -
- Boris Mann @bmann (Fission Founder) -
- Chairman/Tiebreaker: Juan Caballero @bumblefudge (Acting Executive Director, Independent) -
The Board members above use the addresses listed to directly control a multi-signature "vault" for transparent, on-chain grant reporting and other disbursements.
Below, please find a list of all members and their organizations.
Organizations | Members | Status | Working groups |
ChainAgnostic | Ligi (@ligi), Pedro Gomes (@pedrouid), Antoine Herzog (@antoineherzog), Amadeo Pellicce (@pellicceama) | Maintainer | All Working groups |
Epicenter | Sebastien Couture (@seb2point0) | Member | CAIPs discussion |
Tally | Tarrence (@tarrencev) | Maintainer (go-caip) | All Working groups |
Ceramic | Joel Thorstensson (@oed), Sergey Ukustov (@ukstv) | Member | All Working groups |
Spruce | Wayne Chang (@wyc), Gregory Rocco (@obstropolos), Oliver Terbu (@awoie) | Member | CAIPs discussion |
Learning Proof UG | Juan Caballero (@bumblefudge) | Maintainer | CAIPs |
Block | Gabe Cohen (@decentralgabe), Daniel Buchner (@csuwildcat), Moe Jangda (@mistermoe) | Member | All Working groups |
SKALE Network | Chadwick Strange (@cstrangedk) | Member | All Working Groups |
Metagov | Joshua Tan (@thelastjosh) | Member | All Working Groups |
kycDAO | Balázs Némethi (@nembal) | Member | All Working Groups |
cheqd | Ross Power (@rosspower11) | Member | All Working Groups |
Fission | Boris Mann (@bmann), Brooklyn Zelenka (@expede), Ryan Betts (@depatchedmode), Andy Vivash (@avivash) | Member | All Working Groups |
Danube Tech | Markus Sabadello (@peacekeeper) | Member | All Working Groups |
Obvious | Jebu Ittiachen (@jebu) | Member | All Working Groups |
Dynamic | Itai Turbahn (@turbahn), Paolo Lim (@paololim) | Member | All Working Groups |
Notabene | Andrés Junge (@ajunge) | Member | All Working Groups |
Ledger | Rod Carraresi (@carraresi) | Member | All Working Groups |
ITSA | Valentin Seehausen (@valleXYZ) | Member | All Working Groups |
Protocol Labs | Eva Shon (@eshon) | Member | All Working Groups |
Fireblocks | Oren Yomtov (@orenyomtov), Arik Galansky (@arikg) | Member | All Working Groups |
MetaMask | Erik Marks (@rekmarks), Olaf Tomalka (@ritave) | Member | All Working Groups |
Shovel Company | Prashant Mittal (@prashant3863) | Member | All Working Groups |
Status | Anthony Laibe (@alaibe), Iuri Matias (@iurimatias), John (@john-44) | Member | All Working Groups |
Fetcch | Satyam Kulkarni (@sk1122), Mandar Dange (@mandarr-source) | Member | All Working Groups |
Attestate | Tim Daubenschütz (@timdaub) | Member | All Working Groups |
KILT Protocol | Antonio Antonino (@ntn-x2) | Member | All Working Groups |
Everyname | Vinay Vasanji (@iamvkv) | Member | All Working Groups |
vDL Digital Ventures GmbH | Carlo van Driesten (@jdsika), Roy Scheeren (@royscheeren) | Member | All Working Groups |
Peanut Protocol | Hugo Montenegro (@hugo0), Konrad Urban (@0xkkonrad) | Member | All Working Groups |
Submit a Pull Request to this repository adding yourself as a member in the table above.
Once a maintainer has confirmed you have completed this step, they will merge your PR. We recommend checking that your Github email is up-to-date and you are "Watching" these repos:
- Gatherings to stay up to date with in person gatherings
- CASA to stay up to date with the organisation and scheduled calls
- namespaces