A Peer-to-Peer(p2p) application layer that enables the connection and communication between the charging simulator (provider) and the charmEV DApp (consumer). Event messages from the simulator are sent to the p2p and then forwarded to the connected peers requesting the charging service. The p2p server also published event messages from the consumer peer to the simulator (provider peer) for processing.
Provider has to be authenticated before service is requested by the consumer. This is done by the consumer sending a plain hex data to the p2p server. The plain data payload is signed by the p2p server using the provider's private key and returns the signature to the consumer. Consumer verifies the returned signature using the provider public key.
This application uses the libp2p gossipsub protocol
The P2P server communicate to the simulator using Redis PUB/SUB
protocol. The server subscribes to the OUT
channel where its fetch the event messages from the simulator. It publishes to the IN
channel where its send all event messages from consumer peer to simulator (provider peer).
- Download and install
- Run redis server
redis-server -p 6379
Use the following command to build.
go build -v -a -installsuffix cgo -o out/sim-be-p2p ./cmd
Or using the docker build command:
docker build .
Make sure redis is running before running the program.
You can run the program without building it by running the command below.
go run ./cmd -p [P2P_PORT] -sk [PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY]
Or after running go build
command above
./out/sim-be-p2p -p [P2P_PORT] -sk [PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY]
Or after running docker build
command above
docker run -it --rm --network=host out/sim-be-p2p -p [P2P_PORT] -sk [PROVIDER_PRIVATE_KEY]
Or using the shell script
The following snippet is displayed on the terminal if server runs successfully.
...Connecting to redis on
Connected to redis!
Local Peer ID 12D3KooWCazx4ZLTdrA1yeTTmCy5sGW32SFejztJTGdSZwnGf5Yo
Listening on... [/ip4/]
Subcribed to Redis OUT channel!
The Local Peer ID
is used to create the p2p connection URL needed to connect to the server. e.g /ip4/