When the user send's a request to the server by typing localhost:portNumber,the sever renders an ejs file to the client and user can see the list of employee details. Employee details are stored in MongoDB and they are fetched by server. User can perform (Add | Delete | Update) operation on an employee. The main idea of the application is to provide a user with a user-friendly interface to interact with the data.
- NodeJS
- AdminLTE(bootstrap)
- MongoDB
- npm install ejs ejs-ref
- npm install express express-ref
- npm install mongodb mongodb-ref
- npm install nodemon nodemon-ref
- EmployeeDetails
This is the starting page when you request the server. It shows the list of employeedetails.
- AddEmployeeDetails
You can add new Employee by going to Add Employee Section. Here it shows a form with different field to be filled.
- UpdateEmployeeDetails
Even you can update the exisiting employee by entering the EmpId.
- DeleteAnEmployee
You can delete the exisiting employee by providing the EmpId.
- VisualizeEmployeeDetails