This project contains a number of katas with instructions ordered in a proven path described in my book Agile Technical Practices Distilled.
dotnet build
dotnet test
Or use the TRX test reporting tool for enhanced console output:
dotnet test -l trx; trx
dotnet test --collect:"XPlat Code Coverage;IncludeTestAssembly=true;Format=cobertura"
reportgenerator -reports:"**/*coverage.cobertura.xml" -targetdir:'CoverageReports' -reporttypes:'Html_Dark' -assemblyfilters:-AutoGeneratedProgram -classfilters:"-AutoGeneratedProgram;-*.*Should;-*.*Test*;-*.*TestDataGenerator"
Open CoverageReports/index.html
in your browser to view the detailed coverage report.
- .NET 8.0 SDK or later
- ReportGenerator tool (install via
dotnet tool install -g dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool
- Contains the source code for the katas/test
- Contains the test projects