This repo represents the Community Automation effort where teams can contribute automation to be shared with other teams. We desided as a guild to use Jenkins and Ansible combination for our implementations. Jenkins and Ansible details below.
Make sure your ansible client is at version 2.9 or greater
play | Description | status | Comments |
common-services-cat-src-inst-play | Install Common Services Operator Catalog Source | Available | none |
common-service-fyre-play | install csi-cephfs and common services on FYRE | Available | none |
common-service-play | deploy common-services on any infrastructure | Available | none |
csi-cephfs-fyre-play | deploy cephfs storage on your fyre cluster | Available | none |
deploy-ova-vmware-play | deploy a new RHCOS template to VMWare | Available | none |
request-ocp-fyre-play | deploy an OCP cluster on old fyre and fyre OCP+ beta | Availalbe | none |
request-ocp-ceph-fyre-play | deploy fyre OCP+beta cluster with cephfs | Availalbe | none |
request-ocp-cs-install-fyre-play | deploy fyre OCP+beta cluster and install csi-cephfs and common-services | Availalbe | none |
request-crc-fyre-play | Install Redhat CodeReadyContainer Instance | Availble | none |
request-ocp-aws-play | deploy an OCP cluster on aws | WIP | none |
request-ocp-roks-play | deploy an OCP cluster on roks | Available | none |
request-ocp4-logging-fyre-play | Install OCP logging onto OCP+Beta Fyre clusters | Available | none |
request-ocp4-logging-play | Install OCP logging onto OCP 4.x clusters | Available | none |
request-ocpplus-cluster-transfer-fyre-play | Transfer OCP+Beta Cluster | Available | none |
request-ocs-play | Install Openshift Container Storage AWS or VMware | Available | none |
recover-machine-config-play | Recover machine-config, not rolling out | Available | none |
common-service-cat-src-inst-play | Install the Common Services Catalog Source | Available | none |
request-rhel-jmeter-fyre-play | Install Jmeter on Fyre RHEL 8 | Availble | none |
role | Description | status | Comments |
ocp-login | used when OCP Login is needed for your play | Availalbe | will automatically install oc client |
oc-client-install | installs oc command | Available | is automatic when using ocp-login role |
The "Jenkinsfile" should live in your top play folder
Here is sample ( Jenkinsfile-example ). You will update the paramList and the stage() sections. The rest is static for now.
#! groovy
// Standard job properties
def jobProps = [
buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '50')),
[$class: 'RebuildSettings', autoRebuild: false, rebuildDisabled: false]
def paramsList = [
string(name: 'API_Server_URL', defaultValue: "api.", description: 'clustre api server url'),
string(name: 'API_Server_Port', defaultValue: "6443", description: 'clustrer api serfver port number'),
string(name: 'cluster_admin', defaultValue: "kubeadmin", description: 'clustrer admin user'),
password(name: 'cluster_admin_password', description: 'cluster admin password'),
string(name: 'ocp_client_version', defaultValue: "4.2.0"),
string(name: 'machine_config', description: 'machine config found from oc get mc, newest version')
timestamps {
ansiColor('xterm') {
node ( 'kube_pod_slave' ) {
checkout scm
stage('Recover Machine Config') {
sh """
set +x # hide sensitive info being echo'd to log
cp ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/examples/mc_vars.yml ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/;\
cp ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/examples/inventory ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/;\
ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/inventory \
./ansible/recover-machine-config-play/recover-machine-config-play.yml \
-e kubeadmin_user=${params.cluster_admin} \
-e kubeadmin_password=${params.cluster_admin_password} \
-e ocp_api_url=${API_Server_URL}:${API_Server_Port} \
-e arch="linux" \
-e ocp_client_version=${ocp_client_version} \
-e machine_config=${machine_config} -vv
Community Jenkins Server
Login to jenkins server
Navigate to "Cluster Ops"
Select "New Item" from left nav.
Name your job.
Select "MultiBranch Pipeline" from list.
Enter "community-pipeline-template" in the "Copy from" field.
Select "OK"
Select "Single repository & branch" from "Add Source" dropdown.
Enter your branch name in the "Name" field. Should be "master" most of the time.
Update Credentials, using github username and token. Working to get a FUNCTIONAL_ID.
Under "Build Configuration" update "Script Path"
Select "Save"
The folder structure was taken from the ansible best practices document
The following is a snippet to help understand the folder structure and how we are using it.
We have plays and roles, and each are at the top level under ansible/.
Play folders end in -play, while the machine role would contain the playname without "-play"
There will be roles without a corresponding play folder, these roles would be common function that could be shared across plays
To ensure we can load the roles correctly you will notice a symbolic link to the top roles directory. This is a work around until ansible collections become available.
└── ansible
├── LICENCE.txt
├── ansible.cfg
├── common-service-play
│ ├── Jenkinsfile
│ ├──
│ ├── common-services.yml
│ ├── examples
│ │ ├── cs_vars.yml
│ │ └── inventory
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── recover-expired-certificates-play
│ ├── Jenkinsfile
│ ├──
│ ├── recover-expired-certificates-play.yml
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── recover-machine-config-play
│ ├── Jenkinsfile
│ ├──
│ ├── recover-machine-config-play.yml
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── request-ocp-aws-play
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── request-ocp-fyre-play
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── request-crc-fyre-play
│ └── roles -> ../roles
├── request-ocp-roks-play
│ └── roles -> ../roles
└── roles
├── common-services
│ ├──
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── templates
│ ├── cs-group.yaml.j2
│ ├── cs-request.yaml.j2
│ ├── cs-sub.yaml.j2
│ ├── cs-validation.bash.j2
│ └── opencloud-source.yaml.j2
├── ocp-login
│ └── tasks
│ ├── main.yml
│ └── ocp-login.yml
├── recover-epxired-certificates
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── files
│ ├── meta
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── tasks
│ │ ├── main.yml
│ │ └── recover-expired-certificates.yml
│ ├── templates
│ └── vars
├── recover-machine-config
│ ├── defaults
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── files
│ ├── meta
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├──
│ ├── tasks
│ │ ├── main.yml
│ │ └── recover-machine-config.yml
│ ├── templates
│ └── vars
├── request-ocp-aws
│ ├── default
│ ├──
│ ├── tasks
│ └── templates
├── request-ocp-fyre
│ ├── defaults
│ ├──
│ ├── tasks
│ └── templates
├── jmeter
├── jmeter_fyrevm
├── jmeter_java
├── java
├── jmeter_prereqs
└── request-ocp-roks
├── defaults
├── tasks
└── templates
Terraform Automation (VMWare, AWS, Google, and Azure)
Some useful tools (cluster recovery scripts)
ROKS info being provided until an ansible solution can be worked out in this community repo
DTEs ROKS Provisioning Tooling - See the and I included an installer script to get started.
The following is used in the above repo for reference:
IBM Cloud Terraform Docker Image:
IBM Cloud Terraform Documentation: