Slugger is a library primarily to create 7-bit url slugs from strings.
The goal is for Slugger to replicate the functionality of the Ruby stringex gem.
Add the following to your project.clj
[slugger "1.0.1"]
Then you can use it:
(use 'slugger.core)
(->slug "learn how to say 你好")
=> "learn-how-to-say-ni-hao"
(->slug "learn how to say 你好")
=> "learn-how-to-say-ni-hao"
(->slug " this string should be simple enough")
=> "this-string-should-be-simple-enough"
(->slug "Vi vil have mere Øl")
=> "vi-vil-have-mere-oel"
(->slug "Vi vil have mere øl")
=> "vi-vil-have-mere-oel"
(->slug "An idea worth $100")
=> "an-idea-worth-100-dollars"
(->slug "my email address is")
=> "my-email-address-is-pelle-at-picomoney-dot-com"
This library includes Giuseppe Cardone's excellent Junidecode.
It is not available in a maven library so I include it within the jar.
Note I have made a few minor changes to it for transliterating Scandinavian letters using local rules.
You can also use it directly:
(use '[slugger.core :only [unidecode]])
(unidecode "私はガラスを食べられます。それは私を傷つけません。")
=>"Si hagarasuwoShi beraremasu. sorehaSi woShang tukemasen. "
Copyright © 2012 Pelle Braendgaard
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
Junidecoder © Giuseppe Cardone
Distributed under BSD license