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pemorse authored Jul 16, 2024
1 parent 68c8c92 commit 06c14a1
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Showing 2 changed files with 364 additions and 0 deletions.
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions Pastaroids_ControlP5_sketch_240514b.pde
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
import controlP5.*;

ControlP5 cp5;
Button startButton;
Slider laserSizeSlider;
Slider bouncinessSlider;
Slider numAsteroidsSlider;
int numAsteroids = 5; // Number of asteroids
float shipX, shipY, shipAngle; // Ship position and angle
float shipVelX, shipVelY; // Ship velocity
boolean leftKey, rightKey, upKey; // Key press states
ArrayList<Laser> lasers; // List of lasers
ArrayList<Explosion> explosions; // List of explosions
ArrayList<Asteroid> asteroids; // List of asteroids
float laserSize = 5; // Initial size of the laser beam
int score = 0; // Initial score
int highScore = 0; // High score
boolean gameStarted = false; // Game start state
boolean gameOver = false; // Game over state
int gameOverTime = 0; // Game over timer
PFont font; // Font for text

void setup() {
size(1024, 768); // Set up window size
cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
startButton = cp5.addButton("Start Game")
.setPosition(width / 2 - 50, height / 2 - 20)
.setSize(100, 40)
.onClick(new CallbackListener() {
public void controlEvent(CallbackEvent event) {

laserSizeSlider = cp5.addSlider("Laser Size")
.setPosition(width / 2 - 100, 20)
.setSize(200, 20)
.setRange(1, 10)

bouncinessSlider = cp5.addSlider("Bounciness")
.setPosition(width / 2 - 100, height - 40)
.setSize(200, 20)
.setRange(0, 100)

numAsteroidsSlider = cp5.addSlider("Number of Asteroids")
.setPosition(width - 320, height - 40)
.setSize(200, 20)
.setRange(1, 20)
.setNumberOfTickMarks(20) // Ensures whole numbers

lasers = new ArrayList<Laser>(); // Initialize lasers list
explosions = new ArrayList<Explosion>(); // Initialize explosions list
asteroids = new ArrayList<Asteroid>(); // Initialize asteroids list
font = createFont("Arial", 24, true); // Create a smooth font
textFont(font); // Set the font

void draw() {
background(0); // Clear the background

// Display the score and high score
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text("Score: " + score, 20, 30);
textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
text("High Score: " + highScore, width - 20, 30);

if (gameStarted) {
laserSize = laserSizeSlider.getValue(); // Update laser size from slider
float bounciness = bouncinessSlider.getValue() / 100.0; // Update bounciness from slider
int desiredNumAsteroids = int(numAsteroidsSlider.getValue()); // Update number of asteroids from slider

if (desiredNumAsteroids != asteroids.size()) {

drawShip(); // Draw the ship
updateShip(); // Update ship position and angle

// Update and draw lasers
for (int i = lasers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Laser l = lasers.get(i);
if (l.isOffScreen()) {
for (int j = asteroids.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Asteroid a = asteroids.get(j);
if (a.contains(l.x, l.y)) {
explosions.add(new Explosion(a.x, a.y));
asteroids.set(j, new Asteroid());
score++; // Increment the score

// Update and draw asteroids
for (int i = 0; i < asteroids.size(); i++) {
Asteroid a = asteroids.get(i);

// Check for collisions with other asteroids
for (int j = i + 1; j < asteroids.size(); j++) {
Asteroid b = asteroids.get(j);
if (a.intersects(b)) {
a.bounce(b, bounciness);

if (a.contains(shipX, shipY)) {
explosions.add(new Explosion(shipX, shipY));
gameOver = true;
gameStarted = false;
gameOverTime = millis();
if (score > highScore) {
highScore = score; // Update high score

// Update and draw explosions
for (int i = explosions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Explosion e = explosions.get(i);
if (e.isDone()) {

if (gameOver) {
} else {
if (gameOver) {
} else {;

void drawShip() {
translate(shipX, shipY);
vertex(10, 0);
vertex(-10, 10);
vertex(-5, 0);
vertex(-10, -10);

void updateShip() {
if (leftKey) shipAngle -= 0.05;
if (rightKey) shipAngle += 0.05;
if (upKey) {
shipVelX += cos(shipAngle) * 0.1; // Accelerate the ship
shipVelY += sin(shipAngle) * 0.1;

shipX += shipVelX; // Update position based on velocity
shipY += shipVelY;

// Wrap around screen edges
if (shipX < 0) shipX = width;
if (shipX > width) shipX = 0;
if (shipY < 0) shipY = height;
if (shipY > height) shipY = 0;

// Apply friction to slow down the ship gradually
shipVelX *= 0.99;
shipVelY *= 0.99;

void keyPressed() {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == LEFT) leftKey = true;
if (keyCode == RIGHT) rightKey = true;
if (keyCode == UP) upKey = true;
} else if (key == ' ') {
lasers.add(new Laser(shipX, shipY, shipAngle, laserSize));

void keyReleased() {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == LEFT) leftKey = false;
if (keyCode == RIGHT) rightKey = false;
if (keyCode == UP) upKey = false;

void startGame() {
println("Starting game..."); // Debugging
gameStarted = true;
gameOver = false;
score = 0;

void resetGame() {
println("Resetting game..."); // Debugging
shipX = width / 2; // Reset ship position
shipY = height / 2;
shipAngle = 0; // Reset ship angle
shipVelX = 0; // Reset ship velocity
shipVelY = 0;
lasers.clear(); // Clear lasers list
explosions.clear(); // Clear explosions list

void updateAsteroidCount(int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
asteroids.add(new Asteroid());

void displayGameOver() {
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("Game Over", width / 2, height / 2);

if (millis() - gameOverTime > 2000) { // Display for 2 seconds;
gameOver = false;

class Laser {
float x, y, angle, speed, size;

Laser(float x, float y, float angle, float size) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.angle = angle;
this.speed = 5;
this.size = size;

void update() {
x += cos(angle) * speed;
y += sin(angle) * speed;

void display() {
stroke(255, 0, 0); // Red color for the laser
strokeWeight(size); // Set laser size
point(x, y);

boolean isOffScreen() {
return x < 0 || x > width || y < 0 || y > height;

class Asteroid {
float x, y, speedX, speedY, size;
float minSpeed = 1.5;
float maxSpeed = 3.0;

Asteroid() {
x = random(width);
y = random(height);
speedX = random(-1, 1);
speedY = random(-1, 1);
while (speedX == 0 && speedY == 0) {
speedX = random(-1, 1);
speedY = random(-1, 1);
size = random(30, 70);
float speedFactor = random(minSpeed, maxSpeed) / dist(0, 0, speedX, speedY);
speedX *= speedFactor;
speedY *= speedFactor;

void update() {
x += speedX;
y += speedY;
if (x < 0) x = width;
if (x > width) x = 0;
if (y < 0) y = height;
if (y > height) y = 0;

void display() {
ellipse(x, y, size, size);

boolean contains(float px, float py) {
return dist(px, py, x, y) < size / 2;

boolean intersects(Asteroid other) {
return dist(x, y, other.x, other.y) < (size / 2 + other.size / 2);

void bounce(Asteroid other, float bounciness) {
float angle = atan2(other.y - y, other.x - x);
float targetX = x + cos(angle) * (size / 2 + other.size / 2);
float targetY = y + sin(angle) * (size / 2 + other.size / 2);
float ax = (targetX - other.x) * bounciness;
float ay = (targetY - other.y) * bounciness;
speedX -= ax;
speedY -= ay;
other.speedX += ax;
other.speedY += ay;

class Explosion {
float x, y;
int timer;
int duration = 30; // Duration of the explosion

Explosion(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.timer = 0;

void update() {

void display() {
int col = timer * 255 / duration;
if (timer < duration / 3) {
stroke(255, col, 0); // Red
} else if (timer < 2 * duration / 3) {
stroke(255, 255, col); // Orange
} else {
stroke(255, col, 0); // Yellow
ellipse(x, y, timer * 2, timer * 2); // Expanding circle for explosion

boolean isDone() {
return timer > duration;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Start_Screen.pde
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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