Reads a .dbf file into a Dict of DataArrays.
Written in pure Julia; only package dependency is DataArrays. File import
speed is roughly on par with the DataFrames package's readtable
applied to an equivalent csv.
using DBaseReader
d = readdbf("path/to/file.dbf")
- Numeric ('N'), Character ('C'), Date ('D'), and Logical ('L') field types are the only ones supported. Logical type is untested.
- Might not correctly import dbfs written with QGIS. There can apparently be some quirks of data termination in those files, but I don't have any specimens.
- Does not respect the delete flag that may be present on a record. Right now, if it appears in the file, it shows up in the returned data.
- Does not attempt to detect ESRI's signal value(s) for "no data": < -10^38 (Unclear from whether this signal value applies to all pieces of a shapefile, or only the .shp itself.)
- Test 'L' (logical) field type against appropriate shapefile.
- Sort out the (alleged) QGIS quirks
- ?Respect delete flag?
- ?Add a companion DBaseWriter module?