Welcome to the OpenMinTeD Guidelines!
This is where you'll find information on the following:
- how to make your resources compatible with OpenMinTeD Interoperability Specifications
- how to add your resources in the OpenMinTeD platform[^1]
- how to give us feedback for the guidelines.
_**Note: **If you've landed here accidentally and want to find out more about OpenMinTeD, see here or visit our website: http://openminted.eu _
Three guidelines are released addressing providers of the resources that OpenMinTeD targets:
- Guidelines for providers of content (scholarly and scientific publications & corpora)
- Guidelines for providers of software (applications & components)
- Guidelines for providers of ancillary knowledge resources
Each set of guidelines contains the following information:
- a brief introduction, specifying the resources expected, potential sources, minimal requirements for the contributions
- preparing, packaging and registering instructions for the OpenMinTeD platform
- technical and metadata requirements that empower interoperability
- for each resource type, an overview of the minimal level of the OMTD-SHARE metadata schema with definitions, explanations, recommended usage and mappings to other popular metadata schemas
- further instructions per type of contributors or resource type/subtype where required.
[^1] The OpenMinTeD platform is currently under development and more features and functionalities are constantly added; keep visiting us to find more!