vitest utilities for Nostr client, including faker, extended matcher, and relay mock.
npm install -D vitest vitest-websocket-mock vitest-nostr
import { faker } from "vitest-nostr";
// Get dummy event object.
// You can specify some values.
faker.event({ kind: 1 });
See faker.ts for a complete list of objects supported.
vitest-nostr provides extended matchers for common data types exchanged over the Nostr protocol.
import "vitest-nostr"; // needed to extend matcher.
import { expect, test } from "vitest";
test("It is REQ message", () => {
// Tests if it is an REQ message.
// We are not interested in the specifics of the message now.
expect(["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }]).beToRelayREQ();
test("It is REQ message with specified subId", () => {
// We are now only interested in subId matching.
expect(["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }]).beToRelayREQ("sub1");
test("It is specified REQ message", () => {
// We are interested in the complete REQ message.
expect(["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }]).beToRelayREQ([
{ kinds: [1] },
// or just you can use toEqual() matcher.
See matcher.ts for a complete list of extended matchers.
provides an imitation of a relay.
You can test what messages your real WebSocket on the client side sends to the (mock) relay, and whether the client behaves ideally when the (mock) relay sends a particular message to the client.
import { expect, test, beforeEach, afterEach } from "vitest";
import { createMockRelay, faker, type MockRelay } from "vitest-nostr";
let relay: MockRelay;
let client: WebSocket;
beforeEach(async () => {
relay = createMockRelay("ws://localhost:1234");
client = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:1234");
await relay.connected;
afterEach(() => {
test("Client can send REQ", async () => {
client.send(JSON.stringify(["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }]));
await expect(relay).toReceiveREQ();
test("Client can send REQ with specified subId", async () => {
client.send(JSON.stringify(["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }]));
await expect(relay).toReceiveREQ("sub1");
test("Client can send specified REQ", async () => {
const REQ = ["REQ", "sub1", { kinds: [1] }];
const received = await;
await expect(received).beToRelayREQ(["sub1", { kinds: [1] }]);
// or you can just use toReceiveMessage() provided by vitest-websocket-mock
test("Client can receive message", async () => {
let resolver = () => {
/* */
const promise = new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
resolver = resolve;
client.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
client.onmessage = null;
// Wait until the relay establishes the first connection,
// then get the socket on the relay side.
const socket = await relay.getSocket(0);
// When you have multiple connections,
// you will get a list of the order in which they are connected.
// Send message to client.
// Wait for onmessage callback.
return promise;
test("Client can REQ and CLOSE", async () => {
await expect(relay).toReceiveREQ();
// If the mock relay has already received the REQ,
// the relay will automatically determine where to deliver the EVENT, based on given subId.
// ditto
// It is expected that client receive EVENT and EOSE!
allows you to test whether your client, or more precisely, your any callback function that may receive Nostr.ToClientMessage.Any, is actually receiving the desired message.
import { afterEach, beforeEach, expect, test } from "vitest";
import {
type ClientSpy,
type MockRelay,
} from "vitest-nostr";
let relay: MockRelay;
let client: WebSocket;
let spy: ClientSpy;
beforeEach(async () => {
relay = createMockRelay("ws://localhost:1234");
client = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:1234");
spy = createClientSpy((listener) => {
client.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) =>
await relay.connected;
afterEach(() => {
test("Client can send REQ", async () => {
relay.emit(["NOTICE", "Hello, client!"]);
await expect(spy).toSeeNOTICE("Hello, client!");