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Version Test

Percy visual testing Appium (wd) and WebdriverIO


$ npm install --save-dev @percy/cli @percy/appium-app


Minimum required version for @percy/cli is 1.25.0 for this package to work correctly.

This is tested on node 14+ and should be compatible with all newer node versions


This is an example test using the percyScreenshot function.

const percyScreenshot = require('@percy/appium-app');

describe('Appium webdriverio test example', function() {
  it('takes a screenshot', async () => {
    await percyScreenshot('Appium JS example');

describe('Appium wd test example', function() {
  it('takes a screenshot', async () => {
    driver = // use your existing way to create appium driver with wd
    await percyScreenshot(driver, 'Appium JS example');

Running the test above normally will result in the following log:

[percy] Percy is not running, disabling screenshots

When running with percy app:exec, and your project's PERCY_TOKEN, a new Percy build will be created and screenshots will be uploaded to your project.

$ export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
$ percy app:exec -- [appium test command]
[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] Created build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Screenshot taken "Appium JS example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!


percyScreenshot(driver, name[, {
  • driver (required) - A appium driver instance [ can be skipped in case of webdriverio runner]
  • name (required) - The screenshot name; must be unique to each screenshot
  • options object (optional)
    • fullscreen: if the app is currently in fullscreen
    • deviceName: custom device name to override SDK fetched name
    • orientation: "portrait"/"landscape" tell SDK which orientation app is in [ Note: This is only for tagging purpose, does not change the orientation of the device ]
    • statusBarHeight: In px if you want to override SDK
    • navigationBarHeight: In px if you want to override SDK
    • fullPage: true/false. [Experimental] only supported on App Automate driver sessions
    • screenLengths: int [Experimental] max screen lengths for fullPage
    • scrollableXpath (optional) - [Experimental] scrollable element xpath for fullpage; string
    • scrollableId (optional) - [Experimental] scrollable element accessibility id for fullpage; string
    • ignoreRegionXpaths (optional) - elements xpaths that user want to ignore in visual diff; list of string
    • ignoreRegionAccessibilityIds (optional) - elements accessibility_ids that user want to ignore in visual diff; list of string
    • ignoreRegionAppiumElements (optional) - appium elements that user want to ignore in visual diff; list of appium element object
    • customIgnoreRegions (optional) - custom locations that user want to ignore in visual diff; list of ignore_region object
    • IgnoreRegion:-
      • Description: This class represents a rectangular area on a screen that needs to be ignored for visual diff.

      • Constructor:

        constructor(top, bottom, left, right)
      • Parameters:

        top (int): Top coordinate of the ignore region. bottom (int): Bottom coordinate of the ignore region. left (int): Left coordinate of the ignore region. right (int): Right coordinate of the ignore region.

      • Raises:Error: If top, bottom, left, or right is less than 0 or top is greater than or equal to bottom or left is greater than or equal to right.

      • valid: Ignore region should be within the boundaries of the screen.

Running with Hybrid Apps

For a hybrid app, we need to switch to native context before taking screenshot.

  • Add a helper method similar to following for say flutter based hybrid app:
async function percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name, options) {
  // switch to native context
  await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
  await percyScreenshot(driver, name, options);
  // switch back to flutter context
  await driver.switchContext('FLUTTER');
  • Call percyScreenshotFlutter helper function when you want to take screenshot.
await percyScreenshotFlutter(driver, name[, {


For other hybrid apps the await driver.switchContext('FLUTTER'); would change to context that it uses like say WEBVIEW etc.

Running Percy on Automate

percyScreenshot(driver, name, options) [ needs @percy/cli 1.27.0-beta.0+ ];

  • driver (required) - A appium driver instance
  • name (required) - The screenshot name; must be unique to each screenshot
  • options (optional) - There are various options supported by percy_screenshot to server further functionality.
    • freezeAnimation - Boolean value by default it falls back to false, you can pass true and percy will freeze image based animations.
    • percyCSS - Custom CSS to be added to DOM before the screenshot being taken. Note: This gets removed once the screenshot is taken.
    • ignoreRegionXpaths - elements in the DOM can be ignored using xpath
    • ignoreRegionSelectors - elements in the DOM can be ignored using selectors.
    • ignoreRegionAppiumElements - elements can be ignored using appium_elements.
    • customIgnoreRegions - elements can be ignored using custom boundaries
      • IgnoreRegion:-
        • Description: This class represents a rectangular area on a screen that needs to be ignored for visual diff.

        • Constructor:

          init(self, top, bottom, left, right)
        • Parameters: top (int): Top coordinate of the ignore region. bottom (int): Bottom coordinate of the ignore region. left (int): Left coordinate of the ignore region. right (int): Right coordinate of the ignore region.

        • Raises:ValueError: If top, bottom, left, or right is less than 0 or top is greater than or equal to bottom or left is greater than or equal to right.

        • valid: Ignore region should be within the boundaries of the screen.

Creating Percy on automate build

Note: Automate Percy Token starts with auto keyword. The command can be triggered using exec keyword.

$ export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
$ percy exec -- [python test command]
[percy] Percy has started!
[percy] [Python example] : Starting automate screenshot ...
[percy] Screenshot taken "Python example"
[percy] Stopping percy...
[percy] Finalized build #1:[your-project]
[percy] Done!

Refer to docs here: Percy on Automate