We are building this project as a part of our Pesto curriculum. Our aim is to implement the technologies taught to us as a part of this career accelerator program and to come up with something using for the society.
"The Remotants" is a dashboard that facilitates the working of remote engineers. It aims to change the current status of remote engineers from default unseen mode to default seen mode i.e. provide more visibility to a remote employee's efforts.
Express JS: It is web application framework that is used for building web apps and APIs.
Passport JS: It is an authentication middleware for Node JS.
MongoDB: It is a documen-oriented database that is used for storing data.
GraphQL Yoga: It is a fully featured GraphQL server that comes preloaded with all the GraphQL dependencies.
Prisma: It is used for transforming the database into a GraphQL API.
- Jest: It is a testing framework that comes preloaded with tools like task runner, assertion library, to execute different unit test cases.