This is my first independent NFT project I created using my own photography. At the end of 2020 I moved to Texas and these photos capture the essence of my journey. I decided to turn them into an NFT "drop" for the experience of creating this type of project.
Originally I deployed this on the Rinkeby testnet. Since that has been depricated, I recently redeployed on mainnet Sepolia.
Network: sepolia (id: 11155111) Migrations: 0xD3F98dc44164e30FF5eb94BE4ad3bf2f51388BbC POVTexas: 0x6CA79A7e3d60582E36AE6C04bFd0fe1a26FE0399
- Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Web3 (Blockchain Interaction)
- Truffle (Development Framework)
- Ganache (For Local Blockchain)
- (For copying the Ethereum mainnet)
- MetaMask (Ethereum Wallet)
- Git/GitHub (Commit our code)
- Fleek (Website Deployment)
- Install NodeJS, Recommended version is 14.16.0
- Install Truffle, In your terminal, you can check to see if you have truffle by running
truffle --version
. To install truffle runnpm i -g truffle
. - Install Ganache.
- Install MetaMask in your browser.
$ npm install
Create a .env file or rename the .env.example file, and update the values. The API & IPFS keys are technically optional for local testing, if you plan to deploy to the testnet or mainnet, you'll need to update those values.
$ truffle migrate --reset
In a separate CMD prompt/terminal run:
$ npm start
$ truffle test
Create a .env file in the root directory of your project, and fill in the following:
NFT_MINT_DATE="Oct 27, 2024 20:00:00"
- For Rinkeby testnet:
truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
- For Sepolia testnet:
truffle migrate --reset --network sepolia
- For Polygon Mainnet:
truffle migrate --reset --network matic
- For Rinkeby testnet:
truffle run verify POVTexas --network rinkeby
- For Sepolia testnet:
truffle run verify POVTexas --network sepolia
- For Polygon Mainnet:
truffle run verify POVTexas --network matic