Add new cmdline tools
New features:
- Cmd-line tool to check descriptor files (solved issue #8)
- Cmd-line tool to delete banks (solved isseu #6)
- bank history handling
- Cmd-line tool Install sends template-based emails (solved issue #2)
- Cmd-line tool Install now uses a resume mode by default
- Cmd-line tool Install now accepts arguments in addition of global descriptor (solved issue #4)
- Configuration directory can be configured from the command line
- Enhance logs for large banks installation (solved issue #3)
- Add Galaxy wrapper to expose banks to BLAST tool
- Update descriptors (solved issue #7)
- Smart copy of local files (solved issue #5)
Refer to the user manual to install and use BeeDeeM:
- BeeDeeM manual on GitBook
- BeeDeeM manual on GitHub: Introduction and Table of Content.