Some examples to use with my Saltstack talk.
These examples are somewhat Centos6 specific.
This repo contains a Vagrantfile which will fire up 3 hosts: salt,minion1, and minion2.
They are essentially bare Centos6 boxes waiting to have salt installed and a demonstration run.
If you're using vmware_fusion on your Mac, you should be able to just git clone this repo, cd into it and then:
vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion
If you're using virtualbox on any other platform, you'll need to import a centos6 base box from:
Finally, the srvsalt directory contains snapshots of the /srv/salt directory at different points in the talk.
For example: srvsalt/01-users-only contains a basic salt state which will install a single user with an initial password of "password"
The srvpillar directory contains snapshots of the /srv/pillar directory at different points in the talk.
Finally, etc-salt contains a fileserver config to enable gitfs for a basic formula. As you might guess, you would copy that to /etc/salt.