A personal finance calculator that is made to convert the prices of everyday items to the currency of "time-spent-at-work". This simple calculation greatly helped me to get on top of my unnecessary spending habits. While I used to be happy to spend 5€ on a Cappuchino, I'm much less inclined to waste the equivalent of 30 minutes of work on an impulse purchase like that.
Currently the UI is in german only.
Some ideas for future releases:
English version UI A "detailed" version taking into account things such as yearly bonus payments or time spent commuting to and from work. A reference gallery of example items and their corresponding prices in "working hours" according to user's salary Suggestions for additional features are welcome I just started learning how to code, so I especially welcome feedback on the structure and readability of my code.
NOTE: The website for this project makes use of grid.css, which is a third-party CSS-grid by Jonas Schmedtmann. Since I'm new to github I am unsure how to properly give credit to third-party content - Please let me know if I'm violating any community-guidelines by incorporating code written by others.