This repository contains the work that I have done in the Outbrain Click Prediction Kaggle challenge (
The whole project has been developed in Python 3.6
Pyspark 2.4.0
To make it work, the original csv files ( must be put in the data/csv
The `scripts directory contains 4 Pyspark applications that do the following:
: reads all the Kaggle csv files and rewrites them in Parquet
: consolidates the data and builds features for training a
: fits a Spark data transformation pipeline and applies it to the train and test
: fits a simple Light GBM model over the train dataset and generates a Kaggle submission on the test dataset
To run each one of the 3 first scripts, run on a shell :
spark-submit [script name] [spark config options]
needs the MMLSpark package (
spark-submit --packages Azure:mmlspark:0.15 [spark config options]
The final submission gives a Kaggle MAP12 score of 0.65530.
If submitted on time during the competition, it would have ranked 167th over 979.
The Light GBM model has been fitted with default parameters which could be fine-tuned to achieve better results. It could also be interesting to test Deep learning models as well.
The model has been trained a sampled dataset which accounts for 2,5% of the whole train dataset. We could gain more power by training it on more observations.