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Script to migrate iTunes playlists, play counts and ratings to Rhythmbox.


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Migrate iTunes to Rhythmbox

Script to migrate iTunes playlists, play counts, ratings and last played date to Rhythmbox.

Convert iTunes playlists, play counts and ratings to Rhyhtmbox

Tested with:

  • iTunes 12.5.1, 12.5.4, 12.7.0,
  • Rhythmbox 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2

Does the script work with a newer version of iTunes or Rhythmbox? Please let me know by opening an issue.


You need at least Python 3.5! Check it via $ python3 --version

Install pip if you haven't already.

sudo apt install python3-pip 

Install migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox

pip3 install --process-dependency-links --user

The script is now installed to .local/bin/migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox. You may want to add ~/.local/bin to your $PATH:

echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.profile 

Log out and in again. Afterwards, you can call the script via:

migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox --help



You have to install Rhythmbox and import your Music folder before you use migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox. Just place your music under ~/Music and Rhythmbox will automatically add your music files on start up.

You also need your iTunes Library in the XML format. You can export the file in iTunes with File > Library > Export Library.... You may also find the XML file under <Music Folder>/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml.

Migrate Playlists

Usage: migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox playlists [OPTIONS]

  Reads the playlists from iTunes and converts them to Rhythmbox' format.
  Moreover, it replaces the root path of your library.

  --itunes_library_xml TEXT       Path to the source iTunes library xml
                                  (iTunes Library.xml or iTunes Music
                                  Library.xml). Can be exported in iTunes with
                                  'File > Library > Export Library...'
  --rhythmbox_playlists_xml TEXT  Target Path for the created Rhythmbox
  --source_library_root TEXT      Root path path of the iTunes-based library.
                                  Will be replaced with <target_library_root>
  --target_library_root TEXT      Root path path of the Rhythmbox-based
                                  library. Replaces the value of
  --exclude_playlist_folders BOOLEAN
                                  Exclude playlist folders. Otherwise you will
                                  have the sub playlists AND a playlist for
                                  the folder containing also all tracks from
                                  the sub playlists. Defaults to true.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox playlists --help

# example:
migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox playlists \
    --itunes_library_xml="~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml" \
    --rhythmbox_playlists_xml="~/.local/share/rhythmbox/playlists.xml" \
    --source_library_root="D:/Music/" \

# example, where iTunes library lies under "C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/" which is quite common
migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox playlists \
    --itunes_library_xml="~/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml" \
    --rhythmbox_playlists_xml="~/.local/share/rhythmbox/playlists.xml" \
    --source_library_root="C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/" \

# Use relative paths. Assumes that the "iTunes Library.xml" is in current directory and "rhythmbox-playlists.xml" will also placed there.
migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox playlists \
    --itunes_library_xml="iTunes Library.xml" \
    --rhythmbox_playlists_xml="rhythmbox-playlists.xml" \
    --source_library_root="D:/Music/" \


The created playlists are empty in Rhythmbox

Please check your xxxx_library_root parameters! Let's assume the following parameters:

  • --itunes_library_xml="~/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml"
  • --source_library_root="C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/"
  • --target_library_root="/home/(username)/Music/"
  • --rhythmbox_playlists_xml="~/.local/share/rhythmbox/playlists.xml"

Basically, the script will take the song paths in your ~/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml and replaces the source_library_root part with the value of target_library_root. The created path is written to the ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/playlists.xml. However, the created paths should be the same as in your ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml. If there is a song path in a playlist but this path can't be found in the rhythmdb.xml, Rhythmbox won't show the song in the playlist.

Bottom line:

  • Compare the paths in the created playlists.xml with the ones in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml. They have to match exactly!
  • Ensure that there really is the source_library_root value in the paths in your --itunes_library_xml. Given --source_library_root="C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/" the paths have to start with file://localhost/C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/ (on Windows) or file://C:/Users/(username)/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Media/Music/ (on Mac).
  • Ensure that the target_library_root value matches to the paths in the ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml. Given target_library_root=/home/(username)/Music/ the paths have to start with file:///home/(username)/Music/.

Migrate Play Counts, Ratings and Last Played Date

Usage: migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox counts-ratings [OPTIONS]

  Reads the play counts, ratings and played-last-date from iTunes and adds
  them to Rhythmbox' database. Overrides existing values.

  --itunes_library_xml TEXT   Path to the source iTunes library xml (iTunes
                              Library.xml or iTunes Music Library.xml). Can be
                              exported in iTunes with 'File > Library > Export
  --rhythmdb TEXT             Rhythmbox' database, where the data will be
                              added. Please mind that this file will be
                              changed. Maybe you should back up it up front.
  --source_library_root TEXT  Root path path of the iTunes-based library.
  --target_library_root TEXT  Root path path of the Rhythmbox-based library.
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox counts-ratings --help

migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox counts-ratings \
    --itunes_library_xml="~/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml" \
    --rhythmdb="~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml" \
    --source_library_root="D:/Music/" \


pip3 uninstall migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox


Getting Started

The script requires Python 3.5.

Install pip and venv if you haven't already.

sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv

Project Setup:

# git clone and move to project directory
pyvenv venv
source # inits venv and sets PYTHONPATH
pip install pybuilder
pyb # install dependencies, runs tests and builds the project
# ...
deactivate # deactivates venv

Execution: You can either execute via your IDE or via the shell: # inits venv and sets PYTHONPATH

# CLI 
cd src/main/scripts
./migrate-itunes-to-rhythmbox --help

# Tests
cd src/unittest/python

Setting up IntelliJ IDEA/PyCharm

  • Configure the venv:
    • File > Project Structure > Project > Project SDK > Add Local
    • Set path to <path>/<project root>/venv/bin/python3
  • Python Facet
    • File > Project Structure > Facets. Add Python Facet and set interpreter of venv
  • Project Structure... > Modules. Mark src/main/python and src/unittest/python as source/test folder. Mark target as excluded folder. Mark src/unittest/resources as test resources.
  • Sometimes IDEA doesn't seem to recompile all Python files. Setting the output path may help. Project Structure > Modules > Paths > Use module compile output path.