This repository contains files for the HNCDI Explain course, "Mathematical Fundamentals of Quantum Computing".
There are two exercises:
You need to create a Bell state as has been done previously with the IBM Quantum Composer. You will need to input a number of qubits and a number of classical bits to successfully create the circuit, then run on a simulator and real quantum hardware. -
This excercise uses simulators. You can choose to run this on your personal machine (if you feel confident to), or in a colab instant. You will need to input an upper limit of qubits and a number of shots to successfully converge to the true value of$\pi$ .
You can get this code in a few different ways, pick whichever you feel confident to do.
Use the provided links to load the notebooks in a Google Colab environment (Please note that you will require a Google account and an IBM quantum account),
Run it locally Either: - Clone/Download: Clone/Download this respository and load it using your favourite notebook environment. - If you would like to run the simulator exercises on your local machine, you can use poetry for notebook requirements.
pip install poetry
poetry install