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310 Parameter Addresses
Finding the correct parameter adresses is the most time consuming task in interfacing with Optolink. There are several repositories that can be accessed, but most are not quite complete and/or somewhat outdated. A fairly complete source is the database of the Vitosoft program, although this database also is not complete and does contain some errors. The database is a Microsft SQL database that can be accessed with the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. A query to get a list of parameter adresses and associated information for a specific device type is:
select dp.Address as Model,
et.Address as Parameter,
substring(et.address,charindex('~',et.address)+1,6) Address,
case et.Type when 1 then 'R' when 2 then 'R'when 3 then'R/W' else '' end ReadWrite,
ete.ByteLength, et.DefaultValue,
ev.Unit, ev.Stepping, ev.DataType, ev.ValuePrecision, ev.LowerBorder, ev.UpperBorder,
STRING_AGG(ev.EnumAddressValue,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ev.EnumAddressValue ASC) as 'Values',
STRING_AGG(ev.Description,',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ev.EnumAddressValue ASC) as 'Descriptions'
from ecnDeviceTypeDataPointTypeLink dev
join ecnDatapointType dp on dev.DataPointTypeId=dp.Id
join ecnDataPointTypeEventTypeLink dpe on dp.Id=dpe.DataPointTypeId
join ecnEventType et on et.id=dpe.EventTypeId
left outer join ecnEventTypeEventValueTypeLink etvl on etvl.EventTypeId=et.Id
left outer join ecnEventValueType ev on etvl.EventValueId=ev.Id
left outer join [vsmEventTypeExtension] ete on ete.EventTypeId=et.Id
where dp.Address='XXXXX'
group by et.Address, dp.Address,
et.Conversion, case et.Type when 1 then 'R' when 2 then 'R'when 3 then'R/W' else '' end,
ete.ByteLength, et.DefaultValue, ev.Unit, ev.Stepping, ev.DataType, ev.ValuePrecision, ev.LowerBorder, ev.UpperBorder
order by Address
Where XXXXX is the value of ecnDatapointType .Address for your system
Attached is an Excel file with the ecnDatapointType table and the results of the query for a selection of systems.
Find samples of polling lists here: https://github.com/philippoo66/optolink-splitter/wiki/350-Poll-Configuration-Samples