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How to define a dependency

Thiago Teixeira edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 4 revisions

Dependency definitions on Odin are typically realized by applying the decorators @Injectable and @Singleton to class definitions.


The @Injectable decorator defines a Odin dependency, and it has a non-mandatory parameter domain.

The domain determines the scope of the dependecy. In other words, it defines a type of hierarchy inside Odin's register, see more here.

This hierarchy determines which dependencies are available when creating a container - which provides the dependencies instances.

  import { Injectable } from '@philips/odin';

  @Injectable({ domain: 'scope1' })
  class MyInjectable {


Odin's registry always has a root scope, and dependencies registered inside it can be injected from any container - no matter the scope or domain.

Any container created through Odin's registry is able to instantiate these dependencies, but:



Differently from @Injectable, dependencies of the type @Singleton are not exclusive for each instance. It means, the first instance will be kept by Odin and reused everywhere it is @Injected - again, into the same container.

  import odin, { Singleton, Injectable } from '@philips/odin';

  class MySingleton {
    value: 1;

    next() {
      return this.value++;

  class CoolInjectable {
    mySingleton; // depends on MySingleton
                 // every instance of CoolInjectable will receive
                 // the same instance of MySingleton if is the same container

    getValue() {

  // create a container
  const container = odin.container();

  // provide a instance of CoolInjectable
  const first = container.provide(;
  // provide a NEW instance of CoolInjectable
  const second = container.provide(;

  console.log(first.getValue()); //1
  console.log(second.getValue()); //2

  console.log(first.getValue()); //3
  console.log(second.getValue()); //4

  // create another container
  const container2 = odin.container();

  // provide a NEW instance of CoolInjectable, from another container
  const third = container.provide(;

  // here will be a new MySingleton because it is another container
  console.log(third.getValue()); //1

Defining dependency without @decorator

The @Injectable and @Singleton decorators are sugars to define dependencies. By using the main export odin and Secrets, it is possible to declare dependencies without any decorator ( i.e. @Singleton).

  import odin from '@philips/odin';

  class MyDependency {

    constructor(args) {
      this.prop1 = args.prop1;

    doSomething() {


  const bundle = odin.bundle();
  // the second param 'args' will be passed on MyDependecy constructor each time
  bundle.register(MyDependency, { prop1: 'Potato' });

Or even, build your own decorators.

  import odin, { Secrets } from '@philips/odin';

  function MySingleton(definition) {


    const bundle = odin.bundle('fix-domain');
    bundle.register(definition, args);

    return definition;

  class MyDependency {

    doSomething() {
      console.log(`Hi, I'm a custom decorator to define a singleton.`);
