/maze is a maze that would allow one or more people to play at the same time (not really useful in practice but a fun project)
/rawkets is trying to port Rawkets (https://github.com/robhawkes/rawkets) to Elixir and Phoenix. Rawkets is like Asteroids except there are other players instead of...well, asteriods. FYI - no Twitter login necessary like in original Rawkets
Demo site at http://canarymod16.cloudapp.net (/rawkets or /maze) but I don't always have it running since I think it'll burn throw my spending limit.
To start your Phoenix application:
Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Probably going to be alerted to run
npm install
to use brunch.io -
If you get here you should stop server and run
mix Install
(this will setup Mnesia ('database')) otherwise multiple players won't work
Now you can visit localhost:4000
, 'localhost:4000\maze', localhost:4000\rawkets
from your browser.