MATLAB code used for models described in article: A. Yu, D. Bankman, K. Zheng, B. Murmann, "Understanding Metastability in SAR ADCs: Part II: Asynchronous," IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine 11, 3 (2019)
All code written using MATLAB R2016a.
figs/ - svg files for some figures and cover art
├─ results/ - folder to store generated results
├─ asar_meta_pmf_ideal.m - output pmf for ideal noiseless async SAR
├─ asar_meta_pmf_noise_combined.m - output pmf with analytic thermal noise
├─ asar_meta_pmf_noise_combined_parallel.m - same as above but parallelized compute with parfor
├─ figure_settings.m - common figure/plotting settings
├─ plot_helper_functions.m - plot analytic helper functions (DAC, residuals, output codes,...)
├─ plot_pmeta_async_vs_sync.m - compare Pmeta of async vs. sync
├─ plot_pmf_ideal_reset.m - ideal ASAR PMF vs. reset code
├─ plot_pmf_ideal_tfix.m - ideal ASAR PMF vs. TFIX and TSAR
├─ plot_pmf_noise_vs_N.m - main script for sweeping/plotting error PMFs with thermal noise
├─ plot_t_avg_easy.m - compare average vs easy regeneration
├─ plot_timing_bands.m - generate timing band outlines for Fig. 4b
├─ t_avg.m - average regeneration time function
├─ t_easy.m - "easy" regeneration time function
├─ test_asar_meta_noise_combined.m - test combined noise metastability PMF and PDF at single point
└─ test_pdf_noise_meta.m - analyzing noise metastability PDF behavior