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Version 1.2.0 - Stable

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@phproberto phproberto released this 09 Aug 07:49

How to install / upgrade

Download an install through Joomla! Extension Manager.

New Features

  • New loadFromData() method to load entities by specified columns data:
$userGroup = UserGroup::loadFromData(['title' => 'Registered', 'parent_id' => 1]);

if ($userGroup->isLoaded())
	echo $userGroup->get('title') . ' user groups exists!';
  • New delete() method to easily delete entities:

// A DeleteException will be thrown if something fails so at this point we are sure delete worked.
echo 'Article 23 was successfully deleted';

// Delete multiple articles passing an array
Article::delete([23, 24, 25]);

// Example catching exception
$msg = 'Article 23 was successfully deleted';

catch (DeleteException $e) 
    $msg = $e->getMessage();

echo $msg;
  • New FieldGroup entity:
$fieldGroup = FieldGroup::find(1);

foreach ($fieldGroup->fields() as $field)
    echo 'Field `'. $field->get('title') . '` is in the field group `' . $fieldGroup->get('title') . '`';
  • Now it's possible to check and retrieve field group from field entity:
$field = Field::find(1);

if ($field->hasFieldGroup())
    echo 'Field `'. $field->get('title') . '` is in the field group `' . $field->fieldGroup()->get('title') . '`';
  • Now it's possible to check if an entity has associated fields with hasFields():
$article = Article::find(12);

if ($article->hasFields())
    foreach ($article->fields() as $field)
        // Do something
  • New VielLevel entity:
$viewLevel = ViewLevel::find(1);

// This will echo something like: Public
echo $viewLevel->get('title');

// Check if a view level has user groups
if ($viewLevel->hasUserGroups())
    // Do something

// Check if a view level has an user group
if ($viewLevel->hasUserGroup(1))
    // Do something
  • Now it's possible to retrieve user view levels:
$user = User::find(42);

// This returns a collection of ViewLevel entities
$viewLevels = $user->viewLevels();

// Check if user has view levels
if ($user->hasViewLevels())
    // Do something

// Check if user has a specific view level
if ($user->hasViewLevel(1))
    // Do something