Welcome to Airbnb finder. Find your best Airbnb when you travel to Metro Vancouver.
Gathered data from OSM using Panda and PySpark. Then scored Airbnbs depending on the distance from these attractions for each category. For more details, please refer the attached pdf report. https://github.com/phyeony/airbnb-finder/blob/master/CMPT%20353%20Report.pdf
Dependencies (Only needs to do the first time and when new library is added)
- Use python 3.10 (Below should work but I'm using 3.10)
- Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run
cd backend
python3 main.py
To call the endpoint
Use provided swagger UI when you run the app. You can access it here; http://localhost:8000/docs or more specifically;
Remember to edit the request body which the api endpoint will receive.
An example request body json:
"min_price": 0,
"max_price": 400,
"airbnb_room_type": [
"Room A", "Room B"
"amenity_preference": [
"Food", "Transportation"
The logic for our airbnb computation will live in backend/src/airbnb_service.py
. The cleaned_data will live in backend/cleaned_data
Dependencies (Only needs to do the first time and when new library is added)
- Use node 18
cd frontend
npm install
To run
cd frontend
(If you haven't already) -
npm start
You can check it out at http://localhost:3000