A very useful and easy to use data grid to replace LabVIEW's tables and multicolumn listboxes. This datagrid supports more of the standard expected table/grid functions for sorting, filters and auto fitting content, and best of all, it supports some extended datatypes embedded within the grid.
Basically, this grid allows better table support, with more built in features that you can use standard LabVIEW data with and basic properties to your own string data into a more friendly grid and content display.
- Auto drawing and formatting of content
- Auto Column width sizing (auto, cell, fill, none, etc)
- Inline objects for combobox, buttons, checks and images
- Clickable Columns to sort (Asc/Dsc)
- Dragable columns to reorder them
- Minimum column widths
- Basic Events integration with LabVIEW Event structure for integration into your app
OpenG is used for several variant data inspectors
See the example code. Four simple steps to use it:
Currently, there are several datatypes supported:
- Strings
- Booleans
- Numbers
- Timestamps
- Images (can set name of built in images, or add full path to custom images)
- Buttons
- Combobox (selection lists)
- Links
All events are automatically registered as user events for use in LabVIEW's event structure. Each event type has a "getData.vi" that can be used to convert the event class data into elements within the event handler. Using the easygrid helper functions, these events are all automatically registered, so can simply be connected to any event structure for use.
The events currently available are:
- Cell Edit Ended - This single event is used currently as a sample for callback events.
- Cell Value Changed -
- Cell Validating - This is an automatic callback event, that cancels any edits when the cell value doesn't validate. No LabVIEW events are currently generated from this.
- DataError - when formattting fails on the data for a cell on change
- UserAddedRow - returns the row
- UserDeletedRow - returns the row
Grab the latest releases to use this project here from github.
This repository is written and maintained in LabVIEW 2013 SP1. See the Todo.md for areas you can contribute.
The datagrid can be easily deployed into an EXE using the library such as in the example provided. It can also be used by the packed library versions for LabVIEW and kept as a dynamic plugin module. Both methods require that you include the images folder for supporting default built in images (or to add your own) so they can be used by name, instead of specifying a full path.
No Support is provided directly for this add-on, since its a free product, but you can use this community github page or the LabVIEW forums for help and questions