#Piano HAT
- 16 Capacitive Touch Buttons
- 13 Notes from C to C
- Octave Up/Down
- Instrument Select
#Installing Piano HAT
We've created a super-easy installation script that will install all pre-requisites and get your Piano HAT up and running in a jiffy. To run it fire up Terminal which you'll find in Menu -> Accessories -> Terminal on your Raspberry Pi desktop like so:
In the new terminal window type the following and follow the instructions:
curl -sSL get.pimoroni.com/pianohat | bash
If you choose to download examples you'll find them in /home/pi/Pimoroni/pianohat
, but you can also check out the examples for Piano HAT in: examples
#Using Piano HAT
This library lets you use Piano HAT in Python to control whatever project you might assemble.
See buttons.py
for an example of how to handle buttons. The library has 4 different events you can bind to:
- triggers when a piano key is touchedon_octave_up
- triggers when the Octave Up key is touchedon_octave_down
- triggers when the Octave Down key is touchedon_instrument
- triggeres when the Instrument key is touched
See leds.py
for an example of how to take command of the Piano HAT LEDs. You can turn all of the LEDs on and off at will, useful for creating a visual metronome, prompting a user which key to press and more.
set_led(x, True/False)
- lets you set a particular LED to on ( True ) or off ( False ).auto_leds(False)
- stops Piano HAT from automatically lighting the LEDs when a key is touched
Piano HAT will also work with anything that supports MIDI input, thanks to Python MIDI and the midi-piano.py
##Installing Python MIDI
This is a little tricky, but if you follow these steps you should get it installed in no time:
First you'll need some dependencies, install them with: sudo apt-get install python-dev libasound2-dev swig
Next, you need to clone the GitHub repo: git clone https://github.com/vishnubob/python-midi
And install it: cd python-midi && sudo ./setup.py install
If it installs properly, you should get a handy new tool mididumphw.py
which will tell you what MIDI-compatible synths you've got running and what Client/Port IDs you'll need to connect to to use them.
##Using midi-piano.py
You'll find the MIDI Piano example in the examples folder of this repository, or in ~/Pimoroni/piano-hat
if you used our installer script. By default it supports SunVox and yoshimi:
- Sunvox ( Get it from http://www.warmplace.ru/soft/sunvox/ )
- Yoshimi (
sudo apt-get install yoshimi
Run either of these synths first, and then run sudo ./midi-piano.py
and start playing. For best results, you should use a Pi 2- especially with Yoshimi which can be a bit taxing on the older models.