List of useful resources about Data, AI & Cloud
- Distill
- Sebastian Raschka
- Neal Lathia
- Hacker News
- Data Science Simplified
- Benn Stancil
- Brandon Rohrer
- Andrej Karpathy
- Eugene Yan
- I am Trusk
- Jeremy Jordan
- Jaan Altosaar
- Ketan Doshi
- Chris McCormick
- Daniele Grattarola
- Francesco Pochetti
- Nick Singh
- Chip Huyen + resources
- Chris Albon
- luminousmen
- Patrick Halina
- Bnomial
- Francesco Zuppichini
- Sebastian Ruder
- Will Koehrsen
- Moez Ali
- Machine Learning Mastery
- Daniel Bourke
- Amit Chaudhary
- Confessions of a Data Guy
- Simone Scardapane
- ByteByteGo
- Machine learning at scale
- Aidan Cooper
- Beyond the Horizon
- Jay Alammar
- Dale On AI
- Eric Jang
- Arthur Douillard
- PyImageSearch
- Lewis Cole Blog
- Bioinformatics and other bits
- Roadmaps
- Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research
- ChristopherGS
- Yanislav Donchev
- Lil'Log
- Kanoki
- Aman Arora’s Blog
- Luke Salamone's Blog
- Joel on Software
- MLAbonne
- Setosa
- Alex Molas
- The Cloud Girl
- Paul Graham
- hlfshell
- Max Woolf's Blog
- Sahil Lavingia
- Hamel Husain Blog
- Wait But Why
- Melting Asphalt
- fs
- More to That
- Stratechery
- Less Wrong
- Kalani Scarrott
- Aure's Notes
- Calvin Rosser
- Dean Yeong
- Tyler DeVries
- Samuel Thomas Davies
- What You Will Learn
- Dan Silvestre
- Shepherd
- Matt Swain
- Hustle Escape
- BooksConcepts
- Graham Mann
- Eternalised
- Dante
- Ness Labs
- Ali Abdaal
- To Summarise
- Sameer Bajaj
- Phil Schmid
- Made With ML
- Hugging Face Course
- Data Science Topics - Khuyen Tran
- The Hugging Face Deep Reinforcement Learning Class
- The Private AI Series
- Improving the way neural networks learn
- Dive into Deep Learning
- Efficient Python Tricks and Tools for Data Scientists
- Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow
- Machine Learning Interviews Book
- Better Explained
- Practical Deep Learning
- Forage - Virtual Internship
- Amplifyme - Finance Accelerator Simulation
- Full Stack Deep Learning
- Seeing Theory
- A Day in the Life of Americans
- R2D3
- 100+ Data Science & Machine Learning Cheat Sheets
- KDimensions
- Spurious Correlations
- MLU Explain
- Visualize Value
- Transformers - FT
- Two Minute Papers
- Yannic Kilcher
- Alfredo Canziani
- 3Blue1Brown
- Steve Brunton
- Alexander Amini
- Arxiv Insights
- Lex Fridman
- Serrano.Academy
- StatQuest with Josh Starmer
- Michael Sugrue
- AI Explained
- AWS Workshops
- Microsoft Azure - Virtual Training Days
- A cloud services cheat sheet for AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
- Time Series Analysis in Python – A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
- ARIMA Model – Complete Guide to Time Series Forecasting in Python
- How to waste your career, one comfortable year at a time
- The pragmatic engineer
- Amazon Leadership Principles
- The Woke Salaryman
- Kaggle Days
- Sifted
- Awesome Italia Remote
- LinkedIn Sales Navigator
- Funded & Hiring
- The Mentoring Club
- Aggregation Theory
- Principles - Ray Dalio
- Overemployed
- Can we have prosperity without growth?
- Shepherd - Discover the best books
- Welcome to the Experience Economy
- A not so gentle intro to web3
- Minimalism
- Longtermism
- Never Too Small
- Urbex
- Indie Development - Startup Bootstrapping
- Art of Mainliness
- Retire In Progress
- Accidentally Retired
- Portfolio Charts
- Reddit Personal Finance
- JustETF
- Morning Star
- JL Collins
- Mr Money Mustache
- Mustachian Post Discussion Forum
- Early Retirement Extreme
- Investopedia
- Global Property Guide
- Optimized Portfolio
- Lazy Portfolio ETF
- BogleHeads
- Portfolio Visualizer (with Backtesting)
- Wise Money (EU Investing)
- Index Fund Investor (EU Investing)
- Street of Walls
- Of Dollars and Data
- James Clear
- Naval Ravikant
- Carlo Rovelli
- Judea Pearl
- Franz Kafka
- Cormac McCarthy
- Carlos Ruiz Zafón
- Italo Calvino
- George Orwell
- Aldous Huxley
- Ray Bradbury
- Hannah Fry
- Mark Manson
- Stephen Hawking
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Matthew Syed
- Voltaire
- Cal Newport
- Ryan Holiday
- Yuval Noah Harari
- Tim Ferriss
- Richard Dawkins
- Daniel Kahneman
- Andrew D. Huberman
- Steve Cutts
- Alessandro Barbero
- Brian Greene
- Johnny Harris
- Ray Dalio
- Il Testimone - Piff
- Umberto Galimberti
- Matt Parker
- Adam Kucharski
- Robert Greene
- Nassim Taleb
- Simon Sinek
- Adam Grant
- Alan W Watts
- Richard P. Feynman
- Michael Sugrue
- Jim Rohn
- Nick Bostrom
- Seth Godin
- Peter Drucker
- Jim Donovan