Some of my personal scripts
- AddVirtHost
Adds a virtual host to either nginx or apache2 and optionally secures with SSL.
Usage: /usr/bin/addvirthost -n [NGINX] -a [APACHE] -h [host to add] -d [directory] -s [SSL] -l [port]
-n Use NGINX as webserver
-a Use APACHE as webserver
-h Hostname/domainname to add
-d Directory of web files
-s Obtain SSL cert using Let's Encrypt
-l Use localhost proxy
- Checkcert
Gives a summary of most commonly checked options, such as:
Expiry date
Bitlenght (strength of certificate)
Just a long list of details
Usage: /usr/bin/checkcert: -f [certfile] -s [summary] -e [expiry] -b [bitlength]
-c Specify your certificate file. This should be a certificate, not a key.
-s Print a summary of useful details of specified certificate.
-e Print certificate expiry date.
-b Print certificate bitlength.
- Complete destroy pkg
Completely removes a package from Arch Linux and optionally also its dependencies
- Disk Checker
Monitors available disk space and optionally sends an alert when a threshold is reached
- Makeservice
Creates a service from an executable
Turns a .pfx file into a .key and .crt
- View Cron
Views cron jobs