Computing ball possession statistics in a game of soccer with MPI. Code developed as part of the project for the Middleware Technologies for Distributed Systems course at polimi.
This program needs CMake to compile and an MPI library to run.
You'll also need the "full-game" dataset and the "Game Interruption" csv files that were provided with the project assignment.
cmake CMakeLists.txt
to create the Makefile. -
make soccer
to build the executable
Usage: ./soccer [-t <interval>] [-k <distance>] [-e <path to full-game>]
[-1 <path to interruptions (1st half)>] [-2 <path to interruptions (2nd half)>]
The program must be run with mpirun
, with at least 3 processes.
mpirun -n 4 ./soccer -e datasets/full-game -1 datasets/referee-events/Game\ Interruption/1st\ Half.csv -2 datasets/referee-events/Game\ Interruption/2nd\ Half.csv -t 60 -k 5