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Guide Metadata Plugin

Johannes Buehler edited this page Nov 18, 2012 · 1 revision

Guide to the Metadata Plugin

Metadata Plugin

The MetadataPlugin provides adds basic metadata support including enabledness, visibility and watermarks.

The plugin is accessed by importing the static methods of MetadataPlugin into your form model. Once you've defined the metadata for you model the bindings automatically configure your components during the normal binding process (i.e. when you're using FormBinder).

Key Classes

The key classes of the plugin are:

  • MetadataPlugin - provides static methods controlling and accessing metadata
  • MetadataBinder - Still exists but has been mostly made redundant by Binder and FormBinder.

Enabled Example

To control the enabled state of you fields you use the enable and disable methods of the plugin. Each method takes a field and condition. The condition can be any ValueModel<Boolean>.

Static methods defined by MetadataPlugin. enable(FieldModel>).when(ValueModel); disable(FieldModel>).when(ValueModel);

In your FormModel // import the plugin methods import static com.pietschy.gwt.pectin.metadata.MetadataPlugin.*;

  // create our models
  shipToDifferentAddress = fieldOfType(Boolean.class).boundTo(...);
  shippingAddressLineOne = fieldOfType(String.class).boundTo(...);

  // now use the static methods of MetadataPlugin (imported previously) to
  // bind the enabled state to the value of another field

Then in your view you use the WidgetBinder as per normal.

FormBinder binder = new FormBinder();


Visibility Example

To control the visibilty of fields you use the show and hide methods of the plugin. Each method takes a field and condition. The condition can be any ValueModel<Boolean>.

Static methods defined by MetadataPlugin. show(FieldModel>).when(ValueModel); hide(FieldModel>).when(ValueModel);

In your FormModel // import the plugin methods import static com.pietschy.gwt.pectin.metadata.MetadataPlugin.*;

  // create our models
  hasComments = fieldOfType(Boolean.class).boundTo(...);
  comments = fieldOfType(String.class).boundTo(...);

  // now use the static methods of MetadataPlugin (imported previously) to
  // bind the enabled state to the value of another field

In your View: FormBinder binder = new FormBinder();



Watermarks allow you to add a water mark to !TextBoxes or instances of !Watermarkable that are bound to FieldModel<String> or FormattedFieldModel<?>. Watermarks can be either static strings or values held by other value models.

Static methods defined by MetadataPlugin. All methods also apply to FormattedFieldModel<?>

  // static watermarks 

  // dynamic watermarks

  // dynamic watermarks from artibrary value models
  watermark(FieldModel<String>).withValueOf(ValueModel<T>).formattedBy(Function<String, ? super T>);
  watermark(FieldModel<String>).withValueOf(ValueModel<T>).formattedBy(DisplayFormat<? super T>);

There are also var-arg versions of the watermark() method so you can watermark multiple fields with the same value if required.

watermark(email, fax).with("Optional"); 

Using Built-in Binder Support for Enable/Show

Since Pectin 0.8 both Binder and FormBinder provide built in methods for enabling and showing widgets based on the state of an arbitrary ValueModel<Boolean>.

FormBinder binder = ...;
// we can use any value model, not just form fields..
ValueModel<Boolean> loading = ...;;

If you need to apply metadata state to another widget (a label for example) you can use MetadataPlugin.metadataOf(Field) to access the value models that reflect the metadata state of the specified field.

FormBinder binder = new Formbinder();
StyleBinder style = new StyleBinder();

// hide our label if the field is hidden..

// and style it when it's disabled.."disabled")

The MetadataBinder also allows you to apply metadata of a field to another widget in one go. MetadataBinder metadata = new MetadataBinder(); metadata.bindMetadataOf(formModel.extraComments).to(extraCommentsLabel);