A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) with a configurable baud rate, implemented in Verilog. While functional, please note that I will revisit and refactor this project with more sensible and clean code as I continue improving my Verilog skills.
Echo "Hello, World!" in bytes, as per Wikipedia:
echo is the local display of data, either initially as it is locally sourced and sent, or finally as a copy of it is received back from a remote destination. Local echo is where the local sending equipment displays the outgoing sent data. Remote echo is where the display is a return copy of data as received remotely.
Character | ASCII (Hex) | ASCII (Binary) |
H | 0x48 | 01001000 |
e | 0x65 | 01100101 |
l | 0x6C | 01101100 |
l | 0x6C | 01101100 |
o | 0x6F | 01101111 |
, | 0x2C | 00101100 |
(space) | 0x20 | 00100000 |
W | 0x57 | 01010111 |
o | 0x6F | 01101111 |
r | 0x72 | 01110010 |
l | 0x6C | 01101100 |
d | 0x64 | 01100100 |
! | 0x21 | 00100001 |
Here's what the project layout looks like:
├── README.md # This file!
├── rtl # RTL modules (core logic)
│ ├── baudUnit.v # Baud Rate Generator
│ ├── transmitter.v # UART transmitter
│ ├── receiver.v # UART receiver
│ └── uart.v # UART top-module
├── sim # Simulation outputs
│ └── waveforms # Generated waveforms (output)
└── tb # Testbenches for simulation
├── baudTest.v # Testbench for Baud Unit
├── uartTest.v # Testbench for UART top-module
├── transmitterTest.v # Testbench for Transmitter
└── receiverTest.v # Testbench for Receiver
Keep in mind, this project was primarily developed during a tiring 5+ layover journey, so some of the code might be verbose or less polished. Future revisions will address these shortcomings.