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Gravitano edited this page Jun 29, 2015 · 2 revisions


This feature is only available on pingpong/admin ~2.0 version (for Laravel 5).

By default, every repository is handled by interface and registered to the iOC container. That's mean we can override the binder of some instance or component in iOC container. For more details about iOC container, you can read this helpful iOC documentation in Laravel Website.

List of Repositories

Interface Repository Class
Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Users\UserRepository Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Users\EloquentUserRepository
Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Articles\ArticleRepository Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Articles\EloquentArticleRepository
Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Categories\CategoryRepository Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Categories\EloquentCategoryRepository
Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Roles\RoleRepository Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Roles\EloquentRoleRepository
Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Permissions\PermissionRepository Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Permissions\EloquentPermissionRepository

Overriding Repository

As we talk before, you can override every repository from the available repositories above. The best way to override the repository is in a service provider class. For example, if you want to override UserRepository. You can follow this step-by-step.

First, create a custom repository class and implement the inteface which listed above.

// file: app/Repositories/UserRepository.php

namespace App\Repositories;

class UserRepository implements \Pingpong\Admin\Repositories\Users\UserRepository {
   // your code here

Next, you can create a custom service provider in app/Providers folder using make:provider command and store the overriding script in register method.

php artisan make:provider RepositoriesServiceProvider
// file app/Providers/RepositoriesServiceProvider

public function register()

And the last, register the service provider to providers array in config/app.php file.

// file: config/app.php

'providers' => [
   // should be placed after pingpong/admin's service provider
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