WikiOIE is a framework for extracting facts (triples) from the Wikipedia dump. WikiOIE relies on UDpipe universal dependency parser, simple rules, and heuristics for automatically extracting facts from the Wikipedia dump. Moreover, WikiOIE can use a supervised approach for classifing relevant and not-relevant triples. In case you have a small number of annotated triples, you can exploit a self-training strategy.
WikiOIE is described in the following paper. Please, cite it if you use our framework.
title = {{Extracting Relations from Italian Wikipedia using Unsupervised Information Extraction}},
author = {Cassotti, Pierluigi and Siciliani, Lucia and Basile, Pierpaolo and de Gemmis, Marco and Lops, Pasquale},
editor = {Anelli, Vito Walter and Di Noia, Tommaso and Ferro, Nicola and Narducci, Fedelucio},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop 2021 (IIR 2021)},
publisher = {CEUR-WS},
year = {2021},
note = {}
While, the self-training stategy is described in the following paper:
title = {{Extracting Relations from Italian Wikipedia using Self-Training}},
author = {Siciliani, Lucia and Cassotti, Pierluigi and Basile, Pierpaolo and de Gemmis, Marco and Lops, Pasquale and Semeraro, Giovanni},
booktitle = {Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2021},
publisher = {CEUR-WS},
year = {2021}
This is an alternative framework for extracting facts from Italian Public Administration announcements. The main difference is the package.
Clone UDpipe repository
git clone
Compile the REST server by opening a command-line interface at udpipe/src path and by typing
make server
You need to install
if not installed by default. Read here for more information on how to compile the server -
Download the Italian language model italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206
Run the server by opening a command-line interface at udpipe/src/rest_server path and by typing
./udpipe_server port model_name model_name model_path model_desc
is the port of your choicemodel_path
is the path where italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe is stored- for easy of use, we're using it for both
To test if you correctly started the server, type in your browser
You should get this message
Required argument 'data' is missing.
More information about the server here
Clone WikiOIE repository
git clone
Update WikiOIE file with the chosen port; for example:
#udp.address= #udp.model=italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206 udp.address=http://localhost:yourport/process udp.model=it wrapper.idx=/media/pierpaolo/fastExt4/wikidump/wikioie/simpledep_idx server.address=http://localhost/ server.port=yourport
Install Java JDK (suggested version 11.0.11) by typing in CLI
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless
Install Tesseract OCR by typing in CLI
sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
Find more about Tesseract here
Download the Tesseract package for Italian language typing in CLI
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-ita
Install p7zip by typing in CLI
sudo apt install p7zip-full
Clone UDpipe repository
git clone
Compile the REST server by opening a Cygwin command-line interface at udpipe/src path and by typing
make server
You need to install
if not installed by default. Read here for more information on how to compile the server -
Run the server by opening a command-line interface at udpipe/src/rest_server path and by typing
./udpipe_server port model_name model_name model_path model_desc
is the port of your choicemodel_path
is the path where italian-isdt-ud-2.5-191206.udpipe is stored- for easy of use, we're using it for both
To test if you correctly started the server, type in your browser
You should get this message
Required argument 'data' is missing.
More information about the server here
Clone WikiOIE repository
git clone
Download the appropriate Java JDK version for your OS
Install Tesseract OCR and add its path to your system variables. Read more about Tesseract here
Download the Tesseract file for Italian language ita.traineddata and store it in Tesseract-OCR/tessdata folder
Install 7-Zip for Windows and add its path to your system variables
Install OpenSSL for Windows or, if Git is installed, you can already find
atC:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
. Add its path to your system variables
Download your dump.
Preprocess the dump: run the utils/clean_up script; remember to specify the dump path. This script extracts possible .7z, .zip and .rar folders and converts .p7m files found in your dump.
Extract raw text: run the main class using the following run configurations
-i input directory -o output directory -t number of threads (optional, default 4) -r Tesseract enabled (optional, default disabled)
The input directory is the directory where the dump is stored. The output directory is the directory where Preprocess will store its output (in text format). It is recommended to increase the amount of RAM available to the JVM based on the number of threads you decide to run. Multiple instance of Tesseract can quickly cause an OOM error, leading to incomplete text extractions. The suggested value for 4 threads is around 2046MB of initial heap size and 4096MB of maximum heap size. This can be either done by using
parameter when running the script in terminal or by modifying your IDE settings in this regard. -
Extract triples: run the main class using the following run configurations
-i input directory -o output directory -p processing class -t number of threads (optional, default 4) -d training file (optional) -s sampling (optional) -f use predicate occurrances file (optional) -m min predicate occurrances (used with option -f, optional, 5) -x print text
The input directory is the directory where you stored the output of point 3. The output directory is the directory where WikiIOE will store triples (in JSON format). The processing class is the classname of the class that implements the extraction algorithm. Currently, we provide two extractors for the Italian language:
- WikiITSimplePassageProcessor: it uses only PoS-tag information. It is fast but less accurate;
- WikiITSimpleDepPassageProcessor: it uses both PoS-tag and syntactic dependencies. It is slow but more accurate;
- WikiITSimpleDepSupervisedPassageProcessor: it uses a supervised approach for classifing relevant and not-relevant triples. This method requires that both the parameters -t and -c must be provided;
- Indexing