piqe utils contains common libs necessary for piqe
$ sudo dnf install libvirt libvirt-devel python3-devel
Switch to virtualenv
$ sudo pip3 install virtenv
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip3 install pytest libvirt-python pyyaml
$ python3 setup.py install
This repo is aim to provide utils, and this section introuduces the usage of common functions:
The class VM, Volume provide common api for VM operations and VM Volume operations, calling child class for BaseVM and BaseVolumn per the parameters pass to it.
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops import VM
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops, import Volume
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops.vm_provider.libvirt import libvirt_utils
conn = libvirt_utils.get_conn()
dom_list = conn.listDomainsID()
vm_kwargs = {'domain_name': conn.lookupByID(dom_list[0]).name(),
'conn': conn}
vm = VM(provider='libvirt', vm_kwargs)
kwargs = {'domain': vm}
vm_volumn = vm_ops.Volume('libvirt', **kwargs)
kwargs = {'disk_num': 1, 'next_dev': False}
# To attach/detach a disk, the attached disk xml should be defined at
# vm_provider/libvirt/xml/disk.xml, and the related options should be
# defined at vm_provider/libvirt/conf/libvirt_conf.yaml
vm_volumn.detach_disk() # could provide devname or keep default then the last disk, the vm will be reboot to check the updated xml
# To replace a disk image, provide the devname and the image file to replace
kwargs = {'devname': disk, 'image_rep': backup_image}
backup = volume_obj.replace_disk(**kwargs) # Note that the vm will be reboot
The class BaseVM, BaseVolume:
Abstract for common VM/VM Volunm definition, should not be called directly. When there is new VM type, it should be inherited from these classes
It provides the general utils and operations of libvirt vm, and it works like below:
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops.vm_provider.libvirt import libvirt_utils
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops.vm_provider.libvirt.libvirt_vm import LibvirtVM
from piqe_utils.api.vm_ops.vm_provider.libvirt.libvirt_volume import LibvirtVolume
conn = libvirt_utils.get_conn()
dom_list = conn.listDomainsID()
dom = LibvirtVM(conn.lookupByID(dom_list[0]).name(), conn)
volume_obj = LibvirtVolume(dom)
# To attach/detach a disk, the attached disk xml should be defined at
# vm_provider/libvirt/xml/disk.xml, and the related options should be
# defined at vm_provider/libvirt/conf/libvirt_conf.yaml
volume_obj.detach_disk() # could provide devname or keep default then the last disk, the vm will be reboot to check the updated xml
# To backup a image for the disk, provide the devname
backup_image = volume_obj.backup_image(volume_obj.disk)
# To replace a disk image, provide the devname and the image file to replace
backup = volume_obj.replace_disk(disk, backup_image) # Note that the vm will be reboot
# To clean the enviroment after testing
For more details please check pytest test cases test_libvirt_utils and test_libvirt_volumn under tests.vm_ops.vm_provider.libvirt