A python script that can be added to Xcode's run script to generate storyboard identifier files that auto maintain a list of segue identifiers as k-constants. This script works across multiple storyboards.
- In the left bar in Xcode, select the folder icon.
- Select the project file
- In the top tab bar, select Build Phases
- Select the + on the tab bar below the one containing Build Phases
- Select New Run Script Phase
- In the black command window input:
cd ./${TARGET_NAME}/Base.lproj
pythonw storyboardIdentifierConstants.py
#Usage Add the 'StoryboardIdentifiers' files to your project. They will be located under Xcode/{Project name}/{Project name}/Base.lproj. Do not 'Copy item if needed'.
Whenever a build is created, the files will be updated with the latest storyboard identifiers.
#Example Output StoryboardIdentifiers.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface StoryboardIdentifiers : NSObject
extern NSString * const kMikemikemike;
extern NSString * const kAstoryboardidentifier;
#import "StoryboardIdentifiers.h"
@implementation StoryboardIdentifiers
NSString * const kMikemikemike = @"mikemikemike";
NSString * const kAstoryboardidentifier = @"aStoryboardIdentifier";