This app is designed to demonstrate Pixfizz's use of OAuth to authenticate API calls.
It's written with the Ruby microframework, Sinatra and uses OAuth 2.0 for OAuth interactions.
If you have any issues with this app or setting it or ruby up, please make a new issue on our tracker and we'll help you out.
Pixfizz employs OAuth 2.0 draft 10 for authentication. We also support basic plain text HTTP authentication.
It is suggested that in a production environment, you communicate with us using HTTPS, but it is not a requirement.
$ git clone git://
$ cd oauth2_client_example
$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install
This example app will work straight away with the subdomain.
Configuration will be needed if you want it to work with your own subdomain and application.
First, setup an OAuth application in the Pixfizz Admin interface. This will provide you with a series of URLs.
You will have to set a few environment variables to get this app running.
All the variables are stored in env.rb, in the project base directory.
# env.rb
ENV['SITE'] = ""
ENV['OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID'] = "wr6qcg..."
ENV['OAUTH2_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI'] = "http://localhost:3004/callback"
SITE variable must end with /v1 so that the API is detected.
OAUTH2_CLIENT_REDIRECT_URI should point to this application, http://localhost:PORT/callback.
Change the port number from 3004 if using something different.
Or set them as environment variables in your terminal shell.
Fire up the server on port 3004 with:
rackup -p 3004