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Basic Usage

Paul Joiner edited this page Aug 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Reading Core File Data

    using DwC_A;
    using DwC_A.Terms;
    using System.Linq;

    class Program
        static void Main()

            string fileName = "./";
            using (var archive = new ArchiveReader(fileName))
                foreach(var row in archive.CoreFile.Rows)
                    //Access fields by index
                    //Access fields by Term
                    //Iterate over or query fields in a row using LinQ
                    var fields = row.Fields.ToList().Aggregate((current, next) => $"{current}\t{next}");

Read Archive Meta data

Archive meta data can be accessed through the ArchiveReader.MetaData property.

Reading Extension Files

Extension files can be accessed through the ArchiveReader.Extensions FileReaderCollection. Extension file readers can be referenced by filename

IFileReader fileReaders = archive.Extensions.GetFileReaderByFileName("event.txt");

OR they can referenced by the row type associated with the extension file. Note that there may be multiple extension files of the same row type.

IEnumerable<IFileReader> fileReader = archive.Extensions.GetFileReadersByRowType(RowTypes.Event);

Using LINQ

The archive CoreFile and Extension file rows support LINQ queries to search, sort and filter data rows. For example, a list of all ids and scientific names for a specific genus may be queried from a taxon file as follows.

var taxon = from t in archive.CoreFile.DataRows
            where t[Terms.genus] == "Equisetum"
            select new { id = t["id"], ScientificName = t[Terms.scientificName] };


var taxon = archive.CoreFile.DataRows
            .Where(t => t[Terms.genus] == "Equisetum")
            .Select(t => new { id = t["id"], ScientificName = t[Terms.scientificName] });

A one-to-many relationship between a taxon file and a vernacularname extension file may be queried using a group join as follows.

var vernacularNamesFile = archive.Extensions.GetFileReaderByFileName("vernacularname.txt");
var taxon = from t in archive.CoreFile.DataRows
            where t[Terms.genus] == "Equisetum"
            join v in vernacularNamesFile.DataRows on t["id"] equals v["id"] into vGroup
            select new
                id = t["id"],
                ScientificName = t[Terms.scientificName],
                VernacularNames = from v1 in vGroup select v1[Terms.vernacularName]

OR a lookup could be used to accomplish the same as follows.

var vernacularNameLookup = archive.Extensions
                                  .ToLookup(v => v["id"], v => v[Terms.vernacularName]);
var vernacularNames = archive.CoreFile.DataRows
                        .Where(t => t[Terms.genus] == "Equisetum")
                        .Select(t => new
                            id = t["id"],
                            ScientificName = t[Terms.scientificName],
                            VernacularNames = vernacularNameLookup[t["id"]]

Try the LinQPad Driver

To try out LinQ queries against DwC-A archive files try out the DwC-A LinQPad Dynamic Data Driver.