- Click FILE->Open->Project/Solution...
- Select
and click Open - Click BUILD->Build fft_flpt and wait to complete
- In a command line run src/Debug/fft_flpt.exe with no parameters
- SystemC-2.3.1 - compiled and linked with the VS soulution,
- Due to deprecated features in never C++ versions the Visual Studio 2013 is suported only.
- Short and nice FFT theory explanation: Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) input and output to analyse the frequency of audio files in Java?
- DFT with (Decimation In Frequency) DIF or DIT (Decimation In Time): http://www2.im.uj.edu.pl/katedry/seminaria/inda/wp-content/uploads/2010.01.11%20Transformata%20Fouriera.pdf