pyjsonfix tries to "fix" broken JSON.
JSON is actually a subset of JavaScript object literals. And more often than not, it isn't valid JSON. If you want to use the json module, it's not going to work. That's where pyjsonfix is useful. It'll try to coax it into a useable form.
Please note, it hasn't been extensively tested, so I don't know what it'll break on. It's been pretty good with what I've come across.
bad_json = """{'ca"ke': 5.05, pie:[0,0xb,,2,{foo:"fo\\43ob",bar:'barb'}],
null:null, false:true, ' ':true, "'":false, 010: 4, l3l : 10 }"""
from jsonfix import fixJSON
fixed_json = fixJSON(bad_json)
print fixed_json
# {"ca\"ke": 5.05, "pie":[0,11,null,2,{"foo":"fo\u0023ob","bar":"barb"}],
# "null":null, "false":true, " ":true, "'":false, "8": 4, "l3l": 10 }
import json
from pprint import pprint
# {u' ': True,
# u"'": False,
# u'8': 4,
# u'ca"ke': 5.05,
# u'false': True,
# u'l3l': 10,
# u'null': None,
# u'pie': [0, 11, None, 2, {u'bar': u'barb', u'foo': u'fo#ob'}]}