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Turn any image into a Jigsaw Puzzle and solve it together with friends without leaving Telegram


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Jigsaw Puzzle Bot

Turn any image into a Jigsaw Puzzle and solve it together with friends without leaving Telegram

Made with Rust πŸš€, Godot and Redis

Try it out now: @jigsawpuzzlebot


Project overview


  • Made with Rust
  • Subscribed for a Redis PubSub request to generate a puzzle from an image
  • Stores processed images in the file system and puzzle state in Redis
  • Publishes a Redis PubSub event when a puzzle is generated. Or when it fails to generate a puzzle


  • Made with Teloxide Rust framework
  • An entry point of the Mini App
  • Takes images from users and publishes a Redis PubSub request to jigsaw-generator to generate a puzzle
  • Notifies users when a puzzle finished or failed generating
  • Allows users to share puzzles with friends using Inline Query


  • Made with Godot Engine
  • Frontend of the Mini App
  • Uses version 3.5 of Godot because version 4.x has worse HTML support


  • Made with Axum Rust framework
  • HTTP and WebSocket server
  • Serves images generated by jigsaw-generator
  • Serves jigsaw-game exported as HTML
  • Real-time multiplayer powered by WebSockets


  • Common Rust module shared between all other Rust modules


Most of the code has comments so if you're feeling courageous – clone the repo and jump straight into it

Here is also a list of specific features you might want to use in your project

Mini App authorization flow on WebSockets

Custom HTML shell for Godot

The shell affects how the loading screen looks. This custom shell will match Telegram theme

Sync Godot Theme with Telegram Theme

Access Telegram startParam inside of Godot

How to setup a developer enviroment

1. Download Docker

Docker Compose will allow us to install dependencies and launch multiple processes with one simple command

Install Docker Engine:

2. Setup Ngrok

You need a secure HTTP connection for a Telegram Web App. To test the app locally you can use ngrok


Then use this command to open a tunnel

ngrok http 3030

Keep the URL that looks like this: https://<something>-<something>

3. Create a Telegram Bot and a Web App

Create a bot using @BotFather. Don't forget to copy and save the bot token as you will need it later


Enable Inline Mode


Create a Web App. Set URL to the one you got from ngrok. The app can have any name


4. Clone the repo

git clone
cd jigsaw-bot

5. Create .env file inside of the cloned repo

touch .env
# URL of the Web App
# Name of the bot. Like in @<bot_name> or<bot_name>
# Name of the Telegram Web App. Like in<bot_name>/<app_name>
# Bot Token 
# Enable logs

6. Start the containers

docker-compose up --build -d
# View status of the containers
docker-compose ps -a

# View logs
docker-compose logs -f

# Build a specific container
docker-compose up --build -d backend
docker-compose up --build -d bot
docker-compose up --build -d generator

# Stop everything
docker-compose stop

# If you want to build it in the release mode use this instead 
docker-compose -f docker-compose-release.yaml up --build -d 

Keep in mind

jigsaw-game project is built inside of the jigsaw-backend Dockerfile

After you've made changed to the jigsaw-game project – you need to restart the backend container

App runs on the port 3030. You can change it in docker-compose.yaml

Planned features

I've made a list of features that I wanted to implement but didn't have time because of the contest deadline

Probably will work on them eventually but I also welcome contributions 😊